maps mildly-okay art thread (image-heavy)

Discussion in 'Creative Works' started by maps, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. maps

    maps New Member new

    Warning: May be image-heavy at times

    Sometimes I do art and this is where I'll post the art I've done.

    Here are some random pieces.... and stuff.


    Characters & Random stuff
    My character (different RP), Delphina Coliquet. She cleaned up really well but was pretty stupid and couldn't read. She owned a bathhouse and thought she could talk to trees and bears.
    Here is a terrible-quality sketch of her face and general expression of blank sadness.

    Some gaia character a person asked me to draw a looooong time ago.

    This was an art contest entry; the theme was "friendship". I don't think anything says friendship more than eating a handmade mudpie.

    Animal Crossing Girl
    I had been playing a LOT of Animal Crossing, and I really like dressing like a fruit there. I never finished this. Here is the original sketch.

    A good friend of mine, if she were a sky-faring sea pirate... which is her dream.

    This is an unfinished art contest entry.
    The idea was sci-fi fairytale. I was planning to do an A.I. version of the Fairy Godmother... kinda if Scyfy channel had remade cinderella, she'd be all blank and sexy.

    Queen Jaydes
    Queen Jaydes from Super Paper Mario... only, more human.
    She is a fantastic character. Here is the original character design.
  2. maps

    maps New Member new

    Character design for my character here.
  3. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Wow maps, you are a fantastic artist. Very good job.
  4. maps

    maps New Member new

    Corriander! :] My character here.
    Gerudo lady~
  5. adad64

    adad64 Admin admin

    Nice job :) I've never been too good at drawing... Tried drawing Xel' a few times. I burnt the drawings. But the burning part was fun :D
  6. The Janitor

    The Janitor New Member new

    Great job, maps. They are excellent. And now I know how to draw her sky pirate outfit for the comic. :happy:
  7. maps

    maps New Member new

  8. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Good stuff maps, I personally have no artistic talent whatsoever... Well, hope you keep up the good work. Also, my favorite is the Gerudo. If I had enough talent to draw my characters then believe me I would, I know exactly how I visualize them and how I want every one else to visualize them, but unfortunately drawing is out of the question for me...
  9. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    I love your style, maps! These are really epic.
  10. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Wow maps, Like I said before, great work! Its great to have you back :D