Kinstone (material)

Discussion in 'Treasure Creation' started by Cataphractoi, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    Kinstone (material)

    Kinstones are a material which may be used by a Weaponsmith to create a weapon or shield. An Outfitter may use kinstones to create wearable items, as well. The kinstones themselves appear to be discs of varying color with unique patterns on their surfaces.

    Kinstones have an odd property in which, when split, the components may seamlessly be reunited to form a whole kinstone just as solid as the original. While this is, on its own, little more than a party trick, these fragments may be individually forged into weapons or armor for an additional effect. Two or more pieces of equipment, each containing a fragment of one kinstone, will merge when brought into contact, forming a single item capable of shifting between the forms of each piece incorporated in about two seconds.

    In practice, this means a single kinstone weapon could shift from battleaxe, to sword, to mace, to lance, and more. Each form retains its original properties- if one form contains mirror silver, it will always be so, but the other forms will not unless they were forged with the same material. For the purposes of crafting, the cost of each form is totaled and added to the cost of the kinstone to determine whether it can be made or not. A kinstone item may have no more than ten forms in total, and usually bears the symbol of its component kinstone somewhere on the surface of each form.

    Kinstone items can only shift between related forms. A gauntlet may not become a helmet, but a weapon can become any other weapon, for instance. Generally, any two pieces of equipment that occupy the same ‘slot’ are fair game.
  2. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    As promised:
    Right. So! The idea is that you can change weapons as needed without taking the time to open a bag and pull out another weapon. If you're in a heated battle and you need a hammer, not a saber, all you need to do is shift the weapon's form. There's also no size restriction, so a character that wields enormous weapons like my Layla can still use it. The speed of it is potentially a counter for certain weaknesses in materials, letting you swap out a Deku Ironwood weapon for something that doesn't instantly collapse into a pile of ashes if it so much as smells fire.

    It's also sort of an alternative to master ore, because as long as the two items don't occupy the same form, ie putting Goron Iron and Mirror Silver in a single hammer, then you can use both. Annnnnnnd there's a bit of "rule of cool" in here because ten forms would theoretically allow you to, say, build Ten Commandments from Rave Master. Which is what gave me the idea for the material in the first place.

    You'd also be able to build a suit of armor capable of swapping between elemental protections at will. It would be expensive, but doable. Plus, you could instantly swap between clothing and armor, because it's fair game if it occupies the same slot- you could, for example, have gauntlets which transform into fingerless gloves, or a helmet that turns into a hair band. More a matter of convenience than anything, that, but it's still a cool possibility.
  3. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Hm... I think it would be fine becoming a material, then. My only real gripe at this point is that this function seems to have little if anything really to do with canonical Kinstones. In fact I think the fact this treasure was called "Kinstone" was partially what confused me... Maybe the material could be under another name, perhaps?

    EDIT: For anyone reading this thread, there was a discussion in the shoutbox about this treasure--mainly regarding how exactly it functions, as some of us didn't fully grasp the concept.
  4. AdriusVale

    AdriusVale Member reg

    If I may suggest a name Trickstone
  5. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    I think my original idea was to take kinstones and make a material out of them that was actually useful, so that's why it's such a departure.

    As to other names...yeah no I got nothing. I'm terrible at naming things >.>
  6. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Maybe Binding Stone? Since it binds other items together. Simple, but it seems like it fits.
  7. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg


    Majorite came up a while back. Or Morphstone? Majora('s) Morphstone? Marks of Majora? Tokens of Majora?