Eira Dasihiell

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Eira, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Eira

    Eira New Member new

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    Name: Eira Dashiell

    Race: Hylian

    Age: 10

    Gender: Female

    Place of Origin: Snowhead Yeti

    PWC: 1/5/1

    Treasures & Rupees:
    Unusual Background(Racial): Frigid Composition
    Specialty (-20r):Ice
    Ice Enchantment(-40r)

    Equipment: A Long bow W/ Quiver and Arrows

    Pet: N/A

    Appearance: Eira is a young girl about 4'10" with peach skin. She tends to wear a blue and white dress with a lot of bows attached. Her blue hair is tied into pigtails because it gets in the way if it is let down. Her eye's are a light gray.[​IMG]

    Personality: Due to her hyper nature, she is constantly in motion which tends to get annoying to whoever she travels with. She's always moving, whether it be running around or if she's just tapping her foot. Eira is usually always happy, and constantly wears a smile on her face, unless you make her cry or if she's angry. Eira tends to be quite sensitive when you insult her. The tiniest bit of pain causes her to cry and when she cries she gets angry. When she is hurt, her tears are not tears of sadness but tears of resolve. She will fight until her anger has subsided.

    Totally ditzy and majorly out there. Her mind is never in the same place for very long. She is never here, sometimes people ask her questions, and she is totally out there she can usually tell you the answer, unless her mind is in la la land and she spaced out to the point of unicorn land. She tends to hold a conversation quite well though despite this fact. She tends to be quiet around others she doesn't know. Unless she trusts a certain friend in their opinions of those she doesn't know, she'll stay as quiet as she can without being disrespectful.

    Background: At the age of 1 Eira's Parents decided to go on an excursion with their baby to the mountains. As they traveled through the cold weather they had been frightened by a Yeti so they dropped their child and ran off to save themselves. Feeling sorry for the lost girl Eira would be raised by this Yeti whom she referred to only as her "Father". She soon grew to the age of 5 where she had learned to use a bow and arrow.

    At 10 years old she went hunting for wolfos with her "Father" in the midst of a storm. While giving chase to one nearby she strayed to far away from her father and the camp she once knew as her home. With her bow and arrow in hand she would try to return home as best as she could. Traversing the landscape with great hast Eira frantically searched for her "Father". She soon found him limp and lifeless buried under a mixture of rocks and snow. She was now on her own again and would decide to leave the mountains. She would now wander around Hyrule for the rest of her days.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Eira is written well, and you've done all the technical things right, but there is one issue that would need to be fixed before she can be accepted. I've talked this over with some of the Vets, just to be sure I'm not crossing a line here.

    I try to give some leeway on how different a player-character can be from the norm of its race. That said, Eira is a bit too out there for a Yeti. She is a far cry from the only two canonical Yeti that have appeared in Zelda. I can tell you've seen the full Yeti page, but, even for a child Yeti who wants to be a Hylian, the picture you've offered doesn't resemble what could be a Yeti. Even the physical description is a stretch.

    The picture aside, there's three main discrepancies between the appearance of Eira and a typical Yeti. Any one of them could arguably be okay on its own, but the combination of all three is a bit much.
    • Yeti don't have Hylian-like blue hair on their heads. Eira's blue hair could arguably be okay if it was false hair, but that's not the case.
    • Yeti fur is also "thick," according to both the Character Creation guide description and the full Yeti page. Even for a child, her fur being so thin a bit of a stretch.
    • According to the full Yeti page, "A Yeti's skin is comparably tough, and usually a blue-gray huge, but occasionally a hazelnut brown." It isn't peach.
    You could either have her look more like a Yeti (and remove the picture), or change up her background and appearance to make her seem like a Hylian or Kokiri.

    If my guess is correct, it seems to me like you mainly want to make a young female character with an affinity for ice or the Yeti race. If that's the case, it would be a reasonable stretch for Eira to be a Hylian who was for some reason or another taken in by Yeti, or due to some strange influence has an affinity for cold. If she was a Hylian, you could even use the Unusual Background perk to give her Frigid Composition or another Yeti perk, plus a Specialty in Ice if you wanted. (Even though this is your first character, I'd be fine with you not sticking to the normal Origin limits in that case.)

    Alternatively, you could have her start as a more Yeti-like Yeti, but gain a Transformation Mask or a Curse of Changed Race to transform into a Hylian or Kokiri.

    That's just what I would do, though. Your character is your creation. But as she is now, I can't be comfortable with accepting a Yeti which doesn't look like a Yeti.
  3. Eira

    Eira New Member new

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    got to it
  4. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Trophy Points:
    Alright, seems good now. Accepted.~