Stepping Down

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Bitoko, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

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    Hello everyone,

    I am afraid the time has come, I am stepping down. When I made HC, I had a passion for it, and wanted to build an awesome Zelda RP site. It has been nearly three years since then, and I can say that the passion I once had has nearly completely left me. I am finding that it is harder and harder for me to do the tasks I need to do, and being the Admin of HC is no longer fun for me.

    This feeling has been growing within me for quite a while, and I haven't exactly known what to do about it. I didn't want to shut down HC, and I didn't want to throw away everyone's hard work and memories. The problem was I didn't quite know who to leave it to. I didn't want to leave it to someone who couldn't handle the job, or someone who I thought would treat HC poorly (on purpose or through neglect and inexperienced.) I wanted someone who had the drive, vision, and desire to make HC great, and I was never able to find that person until now.

    That person is Guy. I know that Guy will make a fantastic Administrator, and he will do what is best for HC. Not only did he basically create the backbone of Hyrule Castle's rolelplay, but he has a lot of fantastic ideas. He's a great guy (:haa:) and will treat you all and HC well.

    I'm sorry that this is how it has to be, but I feel I need to move on. This is the best option for all parties involved, not only do I get the relief I've been seeking, but the members of HC can continue to enjoy the site and the roleplay for a long while. Guy is going to do a fantastic job, and I will be hanging around to see where HC goes. I will not be on nearly as much as I used to be, but I may stick around and finally RP without worrying about the site.

    I had a great time with you all, and I appreciate the trust and patience you had for me while I built HC in to what it is today. Some things will probably change, but I can assure you the RP will be in great hands, and will be able to thrive under Guy's control.

    As a last announcement, Ribitta and Rising Dragon are also stepping down from their Mod positions.

    Thanks everyone!


    (Edited in that RD is stepping down too)
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  2. Eternis

    Eternis Page of Time reg

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    ..... :cry::cry::cry: .....

    ^How I feel right now^
    I will miss the security I felt knowing that you're on the job. But, if you guys feel as if it is no longer enjoyable, what kind of person would I be if I attempted to guilt you into staying?
    I have no doubt, given how fantastic a job you guys did on this site, that whatever you choose to focus on next, you three will excel at.
  3. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

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    Guy and Bitoko like this.
  4. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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    I'll be stepping down too. Actually, it's more than that; I'm leaving HC completely. Not sure for how long.

    And now, for the mandatory spiel:

    I'm not going to try and put into words how much HC has meant to me. Ever since I stumbled across it in 2011, I've been in love with everything about it. Both as a member and a moderator, this place has been incredible. I've learned so much; about myself, about writing, about RP'ing, about management, about working with others, and about leadership in general. I've matured a lot since I first came on board, and while that mostly has to do with IRL growing up, I think some of it can be attributed to HC.

    You guys have been amazing. I've made some really outstanding friends during my time here, and I'd like to thank each and every one of you for what you've done for me. HC was my real internet site and my first ever RP site, and I'm not being corny when I say that it, and everyone in it, will always hold a special place in my heart.

    I hate saying goodbye. Never saw the point of it. People have a funny habit of crossing paths multiple times; if not in this life, then certainly in the next. And who knows? I may come back; you never know. I'm sorry to everyone in a thread with me, but I think we all know that threads here take a looooooooooong time to finish. I'd never leave if I waited to finish everything I'm in, lol. XD

    ---end of spiel---

    So yeah, I'm leaving. Maybe permanently, maybe not. I'll just have to see. I wish you all the best of luck, and I hope Guy does a good job. Even now, even as I'm posting this, I'm wondering; am I really doing this? Am I really leaving HC? Yeah, I am. It's time, I think. And hey; if a couple weeks go by and I'm ripping my hair out, screaming "OMG WHY DID I LEAVE," I'll crawl back into the forums and cough awkwardly. Hehehe.

    See ya later!
  5. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

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    Oh man this is quite a shock :tpr: :cry:

    I'm sad to see all you guys go, and I wish you all the best in the future! I've had a good time with you guys and perhaps we'll someday run into eachother on the web, who knows. c:

    Until then, goodbye, and good luck!
  6. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

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    To Toko and Quill: There is no way for me to express how much the both of you mean to myself, and to HC. This is just as shocking to me, as it is for the rest of us, because I never thought I would see either of you leave this site. It goes without saying that we would be missing so many things we have today, if it weren't for either of you, and that we will be missing so much after you are gone. I have spent the past several hours unsure of what to say, or even how to react to all this, but I want you two to know how thankful I am. For everything, really. I know that this isn't goodbye, between us, but I am sad to see either of you go, all the same. I have only two words to express myself: Thank you.
  7. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    I'm still not sure what's more surprising. Bitoko's stepping down, Quill's stepping down, RD's stepping down, or the fact I've been given the opportunity to step up. I know all too well the effort (and in Bitoko's case, all the money) that everyone's poured into HC. Doing the work for this site requires pouring all your fuel into its engine, and hoping for the best, not always knowing if the radiator will last the night. After a while, your fuel is gone, and it's time to move on. I've been there before, and even though I thought I'd never return, I've come back. If any of you feel the same way in the future, and want to return to your old staff position, I won't hesitate it to return it to you. Needless to say, you've earned it.

    With that said, I wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors. This is a tiny--but special--little corner of the Internet, a speck on the Great Sea (:haa:) of opportunity for you.

    Needless to say, I'll do my best with what you've placed in my hands, Bitoko.
  8. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

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    Wow, that's a major step up for you Guy, being admin. Don't have too much fun, power could get to your head :p but in all seriousness, it's a shame to lose passion for something you put yourself into, I understand that completely, but don't let it completely stop you

    Guy, I expect a lot out of you for being he new Admin, it is a huge responsibility and want you to do what you think will benefit more for the site vs your opinions, little things like that should be taken into consideration. That being said, you will do a great job regardless.

    It's a shame to see you step down Quill, I never got to know you on a one-to-one basis, but from what I seen and heard, you would be one cookie I'd eat cause you too swee- wait, I mean, I'd be there to take a- nono. What I'm trying to say is.. I should've pestered you more to be friends (:

    Well, I wish good luck to everyone, and expect great things (:

    Much love, Aurrie
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