Elaine Ekaterina Ikeneya, Robin Hood Rich Girl

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by UnnamedDude, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Name: Elaine Ekaterina Ikeneya

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Race: Hylian
    Place of Origin: Noble Estates, Hyrule Castle Town

    PWC: 1/5/3

    Arcane Bolt (-20)
    Feather Fall (-15)
    Holy Bolt (-25)
    Fire (-33)
    Ice (-33)
    24 Rupees
    +50 Rupees (Rupee Riches)
    Height: 5’4’’
    Weight: 124 lbs
    Equipment: Grimoire, Yew Recurve bow, quiver.
    Appearance: Elaine has blonde hair, kept short and bobbed. She tend to wear loose purple robes with an ordinary blouse and pantaloons beneath. She also dons regular, but sturdy, boots, and because of this combined with her slight build, she is frequently mistaken for a boy at first glance. This is at least somewhat encouraged by her, as it helps her go unnoticed.

    What does show her heritage, however, is that her skin is quite fair, and her hair well-groomed, slight hints at her position.
    Personality: Elaine is a noble and worse, she knows it. She typically puts other people beneath her and has difficulty associating with people, often thinking them (not always wrongly) uneducated and unwashed. This doesn’t seem to be out of any sort of malice so much as condescension, as she believes it is the duty of the nobility to uplift the common people as much as humanly possible.

    Despite her attitude, her outlook is mainly benign; she admires the hard work that those less fortunate than her put in, but she wishes they could be more cultured and learned. She also plays the part of Good Samaritan, slipping out to help those around her in a sense of civic duty. This does sometimes lapse into a type of arrogance, however.
    Pet: Keeps a small white mouse, who she named Lala.
    Elaine Ekaterina Ikeneya was the daughter of a rich man and a socialite, of that there was no denial. For many years, she had everything she could ask for, be they books, flowers, education… anything that money could buy was at her disposal. She was happy--or, no, perhaps a better word was content--to have such doting parents.

    But she was also not stupid. As she grew, Elaine grew acutely aware that an upbringing such as hers was not normal. With the presence of the Goron Slum and the Residential Areas so near to her own home, pleading ignorance of such gross social inequity was impractical at best and complete denial of reality at worst.

    Her studies shifted to economics and history, and though she did not neglect her training in the magical aptitudes she did find herself more and more uncomfortable with the current order of things. To have so many working, yet so few truly prospering, seemed wrong to her. She began to feel as though she had a debt to pay for her extravagant lifestyle.

    She would slip out during times when she wasn’t watched to mingle with those outside the Noble Estates. Distressingly often, her garb, her demeanor, really everything that made her who she was gave away her status, and she would attract curious stares from the people around her, even as she, herself, carefully examined the world outside.

    Ultimately, the girl decided the gulf between her life and the rest of the castle town’s was too great. She had no true skills save her magic and her vast knowledge… which, she quickly learned, was no guarantee to success in the real world. She had to go out of her way to learn more orthodox practices, including some rudimentary (if only barely edible) cooking. In an attempt to distance herself from her past, she purposefully purchased new, more inconspicuous clothing, and cut her long hair short. She left the manse with a note, explaining how she could not bear to live there without first making some sort of difference in the world. She wanted to travel and help people, in whatever way she could.

    Occasionally, though, the front gates are left with her calling cards (iris and orchid flowers), and another note detailing her latest escapades.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
  2. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

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  3. Rising Dragon

    Rising Dragon Goat Herder reg

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  4. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

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    Elaine gains a sudden burst of Courage and the ability to Sense evil from recent updates.