Automatic Filter for Swear Words

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by darklink28, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    I know I've seen this done on vbulliten, and I know it should probably be possible on Xenforo, but I think it would be a good idea to have an automatic swear filter for words. I know with RPing, some characters can be kind of crude, and there's no helping that; it's just apart of the character. But automatically filtering words out I think could save people from accidentally not filtering it themselves, and for new users who may come in and start using that kind of language. Once it's filtered, you know it's not really acceptable. I mean I know also that in real life, I do swear, sometimes quite a bit, and a lot of other people do too. So if someone were to accidentally slip (thankfully haven't had one of those yet), it would simply be filtered out.

    Does anyone else think this would be a good addition to the forums?
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Actually, in my RPing, I do everything I can to narratively censor my high-profanity character, Horus. However, sometimes it just slips out when I am in no position to pull a narrative stunt or when doing so would break the flow of my post pretty badly. Seeing asterisks or some other kind of filter in those places, I imagine, would break the immersion as well as the fourth wall beyond repair, as well as causing me to lose pleasure in writing that character because I have to restrain him more than I normally would.

    In out-of-character areas I think it would be fine, since there's really no excuse to be swearing when not in-character. But for in-character areas I feel it would ruin the immersion and create an OOC element in what is supposed to be IC- and as I recall, one of the reasons the mods wanted subaccounts was to increase the gap between those two.
    UnnamedDude and Bitoko like this.
  3. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    I too don't really know what's acceptable and what's not, and I've seen some swear words here and there in GD, which I don't mind at all but honestly I still don't know what the rules are for the forums. Maybe there should be a section at the top or something which outlines the forum rules specifically, what's acceptable/unacceptable, punishments, etc.? Like a "Rules" section next to "Members". I've also seen forums have this function, but allow members to turn the filter off if they so choose to. My thinking was it would help the mods with less work, if it's something actively enforced and as the site grows, and we have more members, that's the kind of thing that would have to be enforced. If a word is automatically filtered, it saves the time and energy of the mods. That was really my whole thinking behind it.
  4. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Is it possible to only set the filter in certain parts of the forum? Because keeping it on outside of the RP section sounds like a pretty good idea to me.

    But yeah, I agree. Swearing in RP should be okay (to an extent). It's not in my nature to swear in real life, I hardly ever do, but I'm fine with using swears in my writing when it suits the character. Even then I don't tend to use bad ones, but that's besides the point.
  5. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    I know at another forum I frequent you can allow users to turn off the filter entirely. This was just an idea I was throwing out there, nothing more.
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    We do have a Rules page, and it says that language / content should be kept to a PG-PG13 level. It is a little bit out of the way, though; you won't find it unless you're surfing the forums or know where to look. I like the idea of putting it at the top of the page- thanks for that.

    I don't know about the Discussion forums, but I'd rather not have one in the RP section, if only because the idea of an automatic filter in a creative writing section doesn't sound attractive. But if someone has a good argument for it, I'll listen.

    Thanks for the input, Dark- it's much appreciated. c:
  7. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

    My two cents is that swearing both in and out of character should be allowed, this is after all a PG-13 forum so it is reasonable that swear words will (and for the sake of immersion or expression may need to) be said. I find that artificially limiting swearing could break immersion and silence expression. For example, two of my characters swear regularly, and I've never received a complaint or request that I stop.

    The first character is a psycho/socio-path with no regard for life other than his own and no patience for others' failures or beliefs that contradict his current goal.

    The other is an addict blacksmith who is suffering from burn-out, but dedicates himself utterly to his craft. The feelings of loneliness of being an artist who forgoes much outside to improve his art, as well as the frustrations, fears and confusion of his identity and future all almost require swearing to properly achieve.

    That said, there are two situations in which I could agree to a filter:

    - Excessive swearing where it's not needed; I don't really think anyone mind if a person or character says 'Shit', but swearing every other word (at least when there's no real reason to do it) is a bit much and can see why it would ruin the experience. Though I doubt we have a filter that is this advanced, so it's got to be handled by a mod.

    - The second derogatory terms used in real-life; honestly, there's no evidence of things like racism in Zelda except against the Gerudo, and even then it's pretty subdued and more like a "You stay over there, We'll stay here; if you come over here we'll kill you" kinda deal, and no reason to use it on the other parts of the forum. The only problem I can see with a filter for this is that at least one racial term has another, entirely legitimate and SFW meaning.

    PS: If we do get a filter, don't get an over-zealous one. I've seen ones that censor wods like "grass"

    PPS: For that Quill, why not just send an automated PM to the person when they join with a point-list of these rules? That way you know they got them, you don't have to mess around the forums and if it's still short most people will at least skim it.
  8. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Raz: I agree with you and Quill that a filter in a creative writing area is restrictive. As I said, it would feel unnatural to me to make Horus censor himself. Quill, F-dude if you're listening: You've both seen my Ancient Cistern posts. I got a little out of hand there, but did those warrant a filter?

    However, and I hate to equate Ylisse to Hyrule, in out-of-character areas it's different. In Ylisse, I outright forbid swearing in out-of-character areas. We don't actively patrol them, but if we see it happening we will undertake action. The site is rated PG/PG-13, and while I'm aware kids probably learn a lot more from just being around others these days than they probably could even from Horus... someone has to think of the children. I would actually support a profanity filter in those areas. There are better ways to express yourself than through swearing.
    Bitoko likes this.
  9. Razgriz

    Razgriz Leader of the Revolution reg

    I can see where you're coming from BP, but your idea for a filter I don't think would accomplish much. True you may stop a few from reading swear words, but there is absolutely nothing stopping them from simply going to a IC area and reading them there; there is no blocks in place to stop a young or anonymous user from reading IC stuff. In fact, if anything it's encouraged, that's a big part of the site and the part that has arguably the most active members.

    The only possible solution I see to that issue is blocking Anonymous and/or underage users from viewing the IC areas in the same way Newcomers can't see the regular forum, but that seems over-zealous and is going to lose us some RPers and general users.

    PS: on a completely unrelated note: BP
    it almost sounds like you're censoring yourself here :P
  10. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    You may be right- I may be placing too much faith in children's capability to distinguish between a fictional character in an unreal situation and a real person who has no clear reason to swear other than that they can. I've been known to do this.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
  11. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    In my opinion, swearing shouldn't be used in OoC contexts. IN MY VIEW it makes people seem "less intelligent", as I view swear words as poor word choice for expressing something. A fuller vocabulary provides much better language, and I feel the common swearwords are rather empty. But that's my opinion. I do think having them allowed in the RolePlay is important, so that is a problem that is almost very hard to work around. I am ok with swearwords as long as they are sparse, and would definitely prefer that they are never used OoC as BP feels.