Your Favorite Handheld Zelda Game

Discussion in 'Zelda Discussion' started by Bitoko, May 5, 2013.


Which Handheld Zelda Games Do You Like Most? (You can choose more than one)

  1. Link's Awakening

    9 vote(s)
  2. Oracle of Ages

    5 vote(s)
  3. Oracle of Seasons

    4 vote(s)
  4. Minish Cap

    7 vote(s)
  5. Four Swords

    1 vote(s)
  6. Phantom Hourglass

    0 vote(s)
  7. Spirit Tracks

    1 vote(s)
  8. Ocarina of Time 3D

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    Hey everyone! I thought I'd start a thread to discuss our favorite Handheld Zelda games. I never played Link's Awakening as a kid, in fact the first time I ever played it was after it was released for the 3DS eshop, however I did buy both Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons when they came out. I have great memories playing these games, they had great presentation and there was this mystical quality about them that drew me in to them. I also thought it was awesome that you could connect the two games to unlock some awesome ending things.

    I am so excited that OoA and OoS are both coming to the eshop on May 30th, I am for sure going to be purchasing them day one.

    What about you guys? What are your favorite Zelda handheld games? Which ones do you have the fondest memories of?
  2. Nolan

    Nolan Member new

    I think I probably have the most memories from OoA, I got it when it came out along with the strategy guide so I could get all the secret stuff. It was fun because it was different from all the other ones I had played since it wasn't set in Hyrule, and other than Link the main characters were different. It's really hard for me to choose a favorite though, because I want to say OoA because it gives me the biggest sense of nostalgia, but like...Spirit Tracks has a kick butt soundtrack that I love.

  3. adad64

    adad64 Admin admin

    I love OoA, one of the first Zelda games I played. I am pretty sure I have beaten at least a few dozen times actually... Lots of boring math classes and such. Links Awakening was also very cool just because of how you realize they aren't real and escaping means murdering all of Koholint's inhabitants. I almost didn't beat the game just to stay on what I saw as the right side of the moral dilemma.
  4. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    I'm gonna go with Minish Cap. Amazing game.

    Funny story actually, I technically haven't "beaten" Minish Cap. I got to the final form of the final boss and then lost my data. Still, I beat the game up until then, and I know how it ends so I'm gonna just go ahead and say close enough.
  5. frigis

    frigis New Member new

    I have to say OoT3D, although it sounds like I'm cheating. OoT is just my general favorite game over all. I also really liked the slight graphical improvement, the ease of obtaining master quest, 3D, being able to take the best game of all time on the go, and they fixed the bloody water temple!
  6. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    The only one I really remember playing is Link's Awakening, but that was back when I was really little and didn't understand English, so I never got past the second or third dungeon because I had no idea what was going on. XD
  7. Tanto

    Tanto New Member new

    I don't think I've ever met someone in person who has also played it but I loved four swords on the game boy advance, the one that came with a link to the past. So many memories of long car journeys linked up with my brother and throwing each other around the dungeons. The link system was awkward but I loved the fact that Zelda was so sociable all of a sudden.
  8. Oreknar

    Oreknar New Member new

    I got Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages at the same time. Though they're both close ones for me, Oracle of Seasons has to be the best one.
  9. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    I remember that! I was always sad because I couldn't play it; being an only child during your early years isn't good for gaming. I remember continually watching the intro and wondering what I was missing, wishing that I could play it. I have a distinct memory of standing in GameStop as a littler kid, holding the GBA that's connecting to the desk by a firm cord, and watching the intro again and again, wishing that I could actually advance through the game.
  10. Tanto

    Tanto New Member new

    I know how you felt. I got the game thinking I would only need one cartridge to play with my bro. Once we got it all hooked up that moment of realisation was heart breaking. It took me weeks to convince my brother (who is not a Zelda fan like I am) to get his own copy. Those weeks I did much the same as you, longing after those trailers.
    Four sword for the GameCube was pretty cool to actually where you connected your gameboy to the control sockets. The effort of setting it all up and getting everyone comfy meant I didn't play it multiplayer much and just finished it on my own. It was a very clever idea though, to have interiors displayed on the gameboys and the exterior on the TV.
  11. Gouf

    Gouf Puckish Rogue new

    It's a tie between Ocarina of Time 3D and Spirit Tracks for me.
  12. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    I voted for Minish Cap, because I used to play that game for hours, but I'm going to post here saying that my favorite is Ocarina of Time 3D. It's the same as the console game, and even though it doesn't have the same feeling, it has two screens, so you aren't constantly pausing your game to check on various things and locations.
  13. Beckett

    Beckett New Member new

    I believe Ocarina of Time 3D trumps all of the other handheld games, and no, I don't base my reasoning off of nostalgia. Having the fantastic opportunity to play Ocarina of Time, except with improved three-dimensional graphics, was phenomenal and worthwhile to experience. In second place, I'd most likely put either Link's Awakening or Phantom Hourglass. I've never played the Oracle games, but I intend to purchase them in the 3DS eShop. I haven't played Four Swords or Four Swords Adventures either. Unfortunately, I was never able to play The Minish Cap, which really stinks because it looks like a great game. Lastly, I place Spirit Tracks at the end of my list of favorite handheld Zelda games. I have my reasons, but they'd take too long to list.
  14. Vexion

    Vexion New Member new

    I would have to say my favorite Handheld game is Links awakening. I loved the storyline and the ending was just fabulous. The fact that Link had no clue it was just a dream made beating the game alot more worth while.
  15. Hyrulian Hero

    Hyrulian Hero Member new

    Link's Awakening...yeah. That soundtrack can make me cry. The thought of Link missing his opportunity with Marin and the mystery of the guardian spirit. Saving Tarin from starving as Tal Tal Heights rattled on and the Dream Shrine's surreal awkwardness. The thickening cloud of confusion when the Face Shrine revealed its secrets and the Animal Village captivated by a beautiful young woman. It takes a deep and meaningful connection to the characters in a game to keep me believing that it wasn't all simply a dream. Apparently, most people saw the ending as a revelation that the whole island was but a dream of the Wind Fish. I saw the ending as a revelation that the dream of the Wind Fish is more real than what most of us think is real. It was an affirmation of the Zelda series for me. Link isn't real, Zelda isn't real, Fierce Deity isn't real (dangit!) but Link is me. Raru is a cumulation of a boy's (or girl's) father figures as is Impa a mother. The stories may be a video game created by designers living in their grandma's basement but they are more real than so much of what I think is real. The Wind Fish and Marin are both shown to be more than just a figment of Link's imagination at the end of the game and what may have been projection carried out through a dream is a reflection of the waking world. Koholint is not a dream anymore than Hyrule is a dream. When seen through a Lens of Truth, they are one.
  16. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    Oracle of Ages. I just found it...beyond good, for whatever reason. LA was amazing but because it froze on me on the final boss twice and I lost all my save data, I never finished it, so I have an axe to grind with that game.
  17. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

    Minish cap by far. That's the only game I can okay for hours at a time without getting tired of it or wanting to throw it against the wall
  18. Miss Kaguya

    Miss Kaguya Member new

    My heart ties to Spirit Tracks or Minish Cap. Just don't know what to pick, I do love that you can travel with trains but I also like the idea of exploring Hyrule land without any transportation. xD
  19. tlozbj

    tlozbj New Member new

    My favorite would be Link's Awakening, and Minish Cap and Oracle of Ages coming as close to keeping that position.

    Link's Awakening was my first Zelda game, and continue till now being one of my favorites. The magic of Koholint Island still feel fresh to me, hearing Marin sing is always beautiful and peaceful. The people of Koholint are always fun to speak to. The dungeons are still fun to complete, and the boss still give me a certain challenge. The secret no dead ending is something quite nice, seeing Marin make her dream come true. The items were also quite interesting, for my first time, and I still considered them quite unique. The trading sequence being obligatory was strange, after I play other Zelda games, but it still was a nice thing.
  20. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

    OoA was my first game ever. I loved it then and I love it still to this day. I freaked out when I heard it was going to be on the 3DS eshop.

    Minish Cap saved me from boredom on many road trips to my uncle's house in Atlanta. I played the hell out of that game and to this day it is the only game that I've almost got 100% on.