Zora abilities

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Celsius, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. Celsius

    Celsius Celest reg

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    Well reading through them they all most seem ok just one thing. Zora's from the Domain having Fire as a racial ability. It really doesn't fit them in my opinion since its only the river zora that was able to use fire. Maybe changing it to something else or a new ability to replace it? I'm not really sure I just thought I would put my two cents about it.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Well, I can see your point. But they were considered a magical race, so I gave them a spell one of their relatives had. The reason I did this was so they wouldn't be blatantly inferior to their counterpart of different origin, the sea zora.

    I suppose the spell could be replaced with something else, but it should still be balanced. Do you have any ideas for one?
  3. Celsius

    Celsius Celest reg

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    Looking through the abilities I could maybe see them haveing ice *maybe a minor on that would really harm them* or water based magic skills. Yes you can whack me upside the head for these suggestions of replacement the Domain Zora's fire skill:

    Ice Shot (really iffy on this one but throwing it out)

    there wasn't any water skills besides mine And i know that wouldn't really fit at all.
  4. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

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    Actually, SM's Aqua Grenade seems to fit pretty well... the only problem is, I'm not sure if it would actually work underwater.
  5. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

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    It would work underwater, but throwing it would be virtually impossible and firing it would make it go somewhat slower.
  6. Premium Chaos

    Premium Chaos Member reg

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    Zora having an ice skill is ridiculous if you think about it. I remember when you wore the Zora Tunic you were weak to ice. Though I think you were also weak to fire which is why it is equally as silly that they have Fire.. :p

    You could just take Sea and Lake Zora and take Boomerang Fins and Electric Aura and just give one to one and the other to the other. I mean River Zora is a regular class now a newbie, shouldn't they theoretically have a bit more of a perc? Give them Electric Aura(or Boomerang Fins) and Fire. It would Nerf the Zora down too, because other races like Goron only have two abilities. for instance my Goron knows Goron roll and Stone Skin.

    I dunno just some ideas.
  7. Celsius

    Celsius Celest reg

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    yeah with aqua grande now made it fits 10x better then those lame suggestions i had weeks ago.