Library of Treasures II

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Quill, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Many of you probably will have noticed that the Library button now works. Woo! However, I would like to say that until further notice it should be considered an unofficial Work in Progress. There are outdated things that need to be updated and new additions that need to be carefully considered before anyone can use it. Please continue to use the regular Library until the LoTII is ready for public viewing.

    Thank you for your patience.
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    I'm seeing a different, more fitting background and a lot more entries in the LoTII. Can we get an estimate of when it will be finished?
  3. Ribitta

    Ribitta What would you ask of me? reg

    What you see in the LoT2 is a lot of Guy's work from last summer, where he made a lot of minor changes to current treasures as well as adding some new ones.

    Going through the LoT2 is going to be quite a project, since we'll need to first make everything is up to date, regarding old treasures, then add all the new ones we've accumulated since then. We will also hopefully be working with Adad to try and refine the interface and controls to work best with both mods adding treasures and members searching for treasures.

    Assuming everything goes smoothly, I'd hope the LoT2 would be functioning by sometime in April, giving us a month or two to take care of this.
  4. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Okay. Thanks for the trouble.
  5. demo

    demo New Member reg

    Wow, new skin and a new LoT? What wonderful coming home presents. But seriously, can't wait.
  6. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Oh, more than just that; nearly everything in the Role Play Information Center has been redone, and the Lore Page up top now holds all the History... there's still more to do, but we're moving along great. You're right, it's a good time to be back :)