Ylissean State of Affairs

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Blonde Panther, Nov 21, 2013.

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  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Current state of affairs

    As you may have noticed, Ylisse has hit a slump recently. The moderating team has identified some of the underlying issues (at least, the ones not related to games such as sixth gen Pokémon eating up everybody’s time) and is either addressing these or will do so in the next couple of weeks:

    The move from Hyrule Castle to Fire Emblem Planet
    It is known to us that some of our would-be active members are unwilling to start new threads and actively participate in roleplaying with a forum move looming over their heads. These members will be happy to hear that, with the position of Ylisse now secure, this move has been cancelled. We will remain on Hyrule Castle, so there is no cause for concern- your profiles, threads, and levels will not be moved or touched.

    While the moderating team by itself is not responsible for the creation of all threads (both plot-relevant and ‘casual’), we do have a number in mind. The plot social in Ylisse will be wrapped up and submitted for grading over the course of this week; once this has been done, I personally will open a thread near the Ylisse/Plegia border. I also intend to start a more casual, non-plot-related but far more open thread in Plegia within a few days- keep an eye on the Roleplay discussion board. However, remember that anyone can start a thread in response to plot movements- this is not a privilege reserved for the moderating team.

    Lotteries and contests
    There have been a few communication errors within the team, leading to a delay in November’s lottery. However, as stated, we are addressing this, and from December onward, the monthly lottery will consistently be started on the first of every month and ended on the eighth. In order to allow the team to participate in this lotteries, but avoid them cheating, we will rotate hosting them: starting with Squishy in December.

    We are presently discussing a new writing contest, in the same vein as the one from the opening, for the holiday season. If you have any ideas for a theme, either PM Blonde Panther, Darth Slaverus, or Squishy with it, or post it in the thread we've opened in the discussion area.

    We are well aware of the fact that some of our rules are unfinished. We are working on them in the Staff Forum, and will share our workable drafts with you once we finish them. Systems currently being worked on include the introduction and regulation of Manaketes, which we know some of you are waiting for.
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