What inspired your character's names?

Discussion in 'Role Play Discussion' started by Chaos James, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Out of sheer curiousity and the constant need to learn things that can't possibly help me in my life unless I steal them outright from their original source, I have a question for everyone.

    What inspired the names you have chosen for your characters?

    For example:

    Belneth Finder, my Hylian Bard.

    Bel is the prefix given to male sorcerers by the god Aldur in the series of books by David Eddings called the Belgariad. Bel means "most beautiful" in the language the god speaks.

    Neth... I have no clue, lol. I think I was going for a name that was similar to the sorcerer in the Belgariad, Belgareth.

    Finder is the name of the Nameless Bard from the Azure Bonds book series based in the Dungeons and Dragons series Forgotten Realms.

    Another fun example, a real throwback to Hylian Shield:

    Lily Eddings, the Hylian Sirenheart.

    Lily, a name I chose because it was very pretty name and because it was very, very similar to the name Link (as I had a horrible Mary-Sue complex that I swear I've dealt with but really haven't).

    Eddings, as it can easily be guessed now, is from the last name of my favorite novel's author, David Eddings.

    So, what about everyone else?
  2. Zoraman

    Zoraman New Member new

    I just Google Translated diffrent Japanese words that had something to do with Water.


  3. Ultra5

    Ultra5 Top hat Goomy reg

    Let's see here:
    Ultra5-Short version of my battle.net name Ultralisk5

    Kydar Halfborn-First name is from a name generator of US residents. Last name is from...I don't f**king know.

    Jacob Temple-The acting chief engineer of the USG Ishimura from the game Dead Space. I liked the name. :sweat:

    Harry Massey:First name is the name of a very good friend. Last name is of a common misspelling of another friend's name.
  4. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

    Dante Silvaros: Dante is taken from Dante's Inferno, and I felt that it was a fitting name for my character's backstory, as it involved fire and a personal hell. Silvaros is a bastardization of Sylvan, which has the meaning of relating to the forest or woods. Chosen because Dante is obviously a Deku. Obviously.

    Olias Storm: His first name comes from a particular manga, the character being an archer. I chose the name because Olias' hair reminded me of this character, as well as Olias' free-spirited nature. His last name also comes from a character, from Glen Cook's Starfishers series. Aside from that, Olias' element affiliation is with water, and Storm fit nicely with his tumultuous inner emotions.

    Boris Delgado: Boris' first name came from nowhere in particular, though I like how the name rolls off the tongue. Delgado is from another book character, from Stephen King's The Dark Tower series. I chose his name solely on the basis of sound.

    Dogath Helkite: Once again, Dogath with no outside inspiration. I chose this name because it sounds foreboding, and contains hard sounds; the character is a hard-case, and I wanted his name to reflect that. Helkite is partially based off of a Magic The Gathering card, a dragon in particular. Dogath's elemental preference is towards fire, explosions, and the like, hence the last name.
  5. Seththeshadow

    Seththeshadow New Member reg

    Rift Tiburian... I pretty much chose it off the top of my head because it sounded cool. :P

    Tran Denzia... see above. I don't put much thought into the names characters I don't really feel much hope for.

    Jenni Lightfoot... Jenni is the name of a friend of mine from the UK... I just like the sound of it. Lightfoot is more of a family title than a name. I am sure you can guess to what it refers.

    Halley Nash... Halley has been my favourite female name for several years now. Nash, I am a little ashamed of. :P I was watching the movie Paul, and the kid who helps the alien has the last name Nash. I liked it, and it sounded good, so I used it.

    C'hale... that is the name of my mage on World of Warcraft. I cannot remember the original thought behind the name, but (as far as I know) it is original. It is the standard name for my mage characters now.

    Ave Tunama... again, a stolen name. It's the name of my friends friends little sister (Avery), and Tunama was a random assortment of sounds that turned into a name. :P

    As for Seththeshadow... idk. Seth or Shadow (or Sugar, but lets not get in to that), has been my character name/ gamer tag/ user name on several different sites.
  6. Eevachu

    Eevachu Admin admin

    Rika: I actually don't remember. The name was originally created on KH2A, the original GameFAQs topic RP, for those who know of it. I don't think I had anything in mind particularly with it, however.

    Wollo: Funnily, I don't remember Wollo's either. Originally he was just a random Octorock when I spawned him in the RP with Will on HS, so I didn't really think of his name much.

    Blank Jenkins: This is actually kind of funny. When I was making Blank, I had put "Blank" as a filler for some sections. I couldn't think of a name, and when I looked at the sheet I realized Blank was actually a cool name. As for Jenkins, when I was talking with Will I realized it was a funny last name and also fit with Blank.

    Natalia Talmir: I just like the name Natalia. I think Geen helped me a bit with this one actually, but I'm not too sure.

    Cecilyn Silva: Will came up with both the first and last name, but I don't think he had anything in mind particularly.

    For the future:

    Simon: Simon's name is just for irony, actually. He's a vampire, and he's named Simon after Simon from Castlevania. . . Yeah, see?

    That's about it.
  7. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Fun Fact: Seth's character Rift, his last name was chosen by me as Seth was looking for a name for a Zora and I had already used the name in the past for one of my Zora, and I'd thought I'd be sneaky and make him use it.
  8. Premium Chaos

    Premium Chaos Member reg

    Well Sexton Hardcastle - made out of irony for him being a woman chaser. There was also a professional wrestler with the name.

    Dustin Hardcastle - named Dustin because he was made of rocks.

    Beck von Brooks - both a Beck and a Brook are a body of water.

    Kara Kyrie - I don't remember why she was named Kara but her last name Kyrie comes from the word Valkyrie.
  9. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

    Well, both of my characters are based on Castlevania characters.

    Wilhelm von Arnhem was originally Richter von Arnhem, from Richter Belmont who I believe is actually German in the games. So, I made a new German-ish last name and was originally going to stick with Richter until I realized that was a bit obvious...

    Damien Aurelius Faust is based on Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. His real name is Adrian Farenheits Tepes, but I wanted his last name to be Faust because I based the story of his father on a combination of Dracula from the games and the old story, Faust, about the alchemist who sells his soul to Satan. So, I went with Damien because it is the name of the young boy from the Omen, and then went with Aurelius because... well... the Fausts are rich people...
  10. Zoraman

    Zoraman New Member new

    Just so you know the Belmonts are from Transelvania.
  11. Idarian

    Idarian Imperator of Known Space reg

    I am aware. I am not entirely sure that Richter is from Germany, however Richter is a German word/name.
  12. samusbot

    samusbot Member new


    Kieran O'Halley

    Ok. So, I needed a name for my character, and I asked one of my friends to help me come up with a name... We came up with Kieran (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) and O'Halley (I wanted a Scottish sounding last name... -_-)
  13. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

    Current finished characters:

    Cirval Kyr: It was actually to be the name of a Zora on HS, and then a Zora here. And now he is a Rito. :haa: I can't remember for the life of me how I came up with that name though. >.>

    Ignis Nemus: Simple, it roughly can mean in Latin "Fire Tree," which refers to the fact his element is fire, and he is tree like, and more humorously, it can translate as "Fire Wood." :haa:

    And my two almost finished characters:

    Balder Zane: I like the name Balder (Got it from Baldur's Gate) and Zane just fit to me. :V

    Markis Antonias Beoulve: Markis Beoulve is the name of my Ramza on my current Tactics file. XD Antonias is from my favorite Warcraft III wizard, Antonidas.
  14. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    My Character is still waiting to be accepted but his name means wisdom merchant in Latin, my reasoning will be obvious to anyone who reads his info.

    EDIT: forgot to mention his name is Sapientia Mercator
  15. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Guy was from username at this time of his creation (or was it the other way around). Denzrita is a last name I simply made up on the spot which I believe went well with the given name.

    Sienna was derived from Sin.

    Dextra was derived in part from Dex, as in Index, and complex, as in a mental complex. "Tra" was derived from the fact her two elder siblings' given names ended in "a."

    Tent was just a four-letter one-syllable word of which I happened to like the sound. Emberwood, obviously, is a play on the fact he is a wooden pyromaniac.

    Gustav happens to be a name almost as glorious as Guy, even sharing the first two letters and ending in V. Grimm was initially derived from a repeating consonant sound (such as in Peter Parker, or Lois Lane).

    I decided upon Ruby in that it was beautiful, yet also rigid... or maybe I was just thinking of the gem. That's essentially what I wanted her personality to reflect at the time. Devilheart was a surname given to her grandfather, whom performed a single notorious deed that forever scarred his and his family's name in the eyes of the then-citizens of Castle Town.

    Petal was based on innocence and femininity. Originally, it was based on Petal's frail upbringing, and at the time it was fittingly replaced with Guy in adulthood. When Guy was brought back to life, however, he reverted his name.

    Mode Seven was inspired by Mode Seven. Wikipedia is your friend.

    Drius is actually the name of the primary antogonist in Fighbird (although the particular robot's name was, I believe, romanized as Draius or something more akin to that). Bugman was derived from the fact that, as a Picori, Drius is similar the size of a bug.