To Nabooru, from the south! [Closed]

Discussion in 'Quest Bureau' started by Guy, Apr 4, 2011.

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  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Description: Starting from the midst of the snow-capped mountains west of Death Mountain, three rag-tag adventurers must escort a group of Hylian refugees and a stolen horse from Southern Hyrule to Nabooru, and survive the journey uninjured.

    + Guy (Guy)
    + Dante (WillowtheWhisp)
    + Victus (Chaos James)

    Rewards: 40r per player + 10r per character = 150r total
    +60r: Gordon the horse, taken by Guy
    +40r: Wall-Walking, remembered by Guy
    +20r: Woodworker Lv2, acquired by Dante
    +15r: Straight-Shooting, remembered by Dante
    +15r: Epona's Song, learned by Dante

    Dante receives an additional 5 rupees from Lv1 Woodworker.
    Guy receives an additional 5 rupees from Lv1 Bladesmith.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    We're going to do a quest-within-a-quest. Basically, in doing the quest above, Will and I also completed the following quest:

    Description: Two Deku Scrub mercenaries, warriors, and adventurers were once comrades which knew none who could exceed their levels of trust and power. In the decades since they have parted, however, Guy and Dante have reunited by sheer coincidence. There is now much on which they need to catch up on the past, and even more they must plan for in the future.

    + Guy Denzrita (Guy)
    + Dante Silvaros (WillowtheWhisp)

    Rewards: Two players (80r) plus two characters (20r).
    + 50 rupees for Dante
    + 30 rupees for Guy
    + 20r: Guy learns Epona's Song from Dante

    Dante receives an additional 10 rupees from Lv2 Woodworker.
    Guy receives an additional 5 rupees from Lv1 Bladesmith.

    Anyway, both of the quests have been completed: viewtopic.php?f=53&t=154
  3. Adaar

    Adaar New Member reg

    Accepted. It's so much easier to grade these things when you've been reading along. :D
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