Snowhead Temple (MM) [Ink, Sinistrari, Cataphractoi]

Discussion in 'Classic Dungeons' started by Electronic Ink, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    Tessa raised a hand, pointer finger up and mouth gaping. She closed her mouth with a snap and shook her head. There was literally nothing about this that seemed normal. First off, if a cat could open dungeon doors, so could monsters. And yet they never do. Second, what cat talks? No cat! No cats talk!

    Besides, Seven had no chill whatsoever. He knew he was lying. She knew he was lying. Layla probably didn't, but she wasn't even watching. As for Faust...okay, getting off topic. She gave Seven a knowing look and just stared. Unblinkingly. Sooner or later he'd crack. Or the cat would.

    Meanwhile, Layla strolled over to the blocks. This might have been a clever puzzle for a smaller person, or someone with no traction, but she was wearing a Snowshoe Ring and a Muscle Band. She casually begin moving the blocks over to their switches, leaving them on the ground to ease the effort.

    "Between the ice and this type of stone I cannot say this is difficult. I suspect this puzzle is not meant to bar entry via strength, but to force the intruder to determine a precise pattern which leaves the block in the correct location," Layla explained. Even she could tell the others were frustrated right now, but neither had actually tried to move the blocks. Granted, she could ignore the general rules of the puzzle, but any of them could manage it. It took only a few moments to complete the task.

    (I have no idea what the puzzle in this room did so take it away Siniiiiiii)
  2. Sinistrari

    Sinistrari Devious Grins & Hunter of Synonyms reg

    Caught between the abrupt appearance of a talking cat and the smug smart-arse explanations of a Darknut titan, all Faust could really suffice was a sigh. Don't misunderstand: he loved cats, in fact, owning a talking cat felt like a very spectacular investment which he should probe the kid about at some point. But now that their ranks had swelled in numbers so too did his fear of embarrassment. Yes. The cat counted as a person now.

    Faust had never attempted to touch the blocks and so never would, especially now that the Darknut had done the job for him anyway. Whether he was foolish to ask for his help straight away was a statement that chaffed his cheeks with a slight, embarrassed flush and gritted his teeth. But oh well. It was done now. No matter how simple he made it sound.

    Rather than argue with the pillar of armour and risk further shame, the doctor instead decided to move the conversation onwards. "Well, it doesn't look like it does much regardless." He muttered, disheartened. The tower of blocks had slotted neatly into a square at the far end of the room, and yet...that was it. Nothing happened. Nothing was triggered or appeared or magicked away. "If anything it just seems to be a simple way of getting across the ledges once we're up on one." He pondered out loud. With all the strange happenings in the rest of the temple he was admittedly disappointed at this bland turn of events, and it showed in his tone of voice. But thinking about it, I'd rather have nothing happen than more trouble. Yes. That would be annoying.

    Quickly reigning in his temptations towards fate, lest it bear fruit, it was only then that the doctor's eye caught something fresh. In the one place no-one had suspected to look was the very place they needed to go, for right behind where the blocks had been pulled from was a little room containing nothing but a chest.

    With a quirk of his brow, Faust didn't hesitate. With resolve he curiously approached the chest before crouching down onto one knee to smoothly swing open the latches. What he saw bloomed a rare smile of contentment across his lips, and looking oh so smug as he turned to the others, a small key in hand. "Isn't this what we needed?" He grinned, teeth gleaming.
  3. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven fought the urge to shrink back under Tessa's ocular assault. Geez, that was some stare she had on her. He was glad stares weren't tangible, otherwise he'd probably have a smoking crater burnt through where his face used to be by now. Not sure whether to break the gaze (would be look guilty?) or just stare back (would be look smug?), he settled for looking at Tessa's nose instead. Noses were good. There was nothing intimidating about a nose.

    Fairy Blue, however, evidently had no such inhibitions.
    "Oi, ginger," she said lazily. "Stop staring. You're making me feel uncomfortable,"
    Seven paled but Fairy Blue kept going. "I know I'm a beautiful specimen but I don't date outside my species, sorry. And I don't swing towards women. Hate to shatter your dreams there,"
    Had the boy not been more afraid of his sword's retribution than Tessa's retribution, he probably would have shoved the cat headfirst into his adventure pouch. As it was, he stammered apologies.
    "I'm so sorry," he said, mortified. "She's not normally like this-"
    "Yes I am,"
    "-and she doesn't get human customs yet. Don't worry about her!"
    "Worry about me very much."

    He was distracted by Faust's triumphant attitude and smug call. Wheeling around, Seven grinned as he registered the key in the doctor's hand.
    "Ooh, good job!" he said happily. "I didn't even notice that room,"
    "Because you're stupid," muttered the cat, clawing her way out of his arms and onto his head, perched there like some bizarre war helmet. A cat helmet.
    "Oww, get off,"
  4. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    "Are we not going to acknowledge the talking cat? Seriously? Since when do cats insult people?" Tessa asked the room at large. She sounded a lot more exasperated than she actually was, but all she really wanted was to know why. And if a little exasperation made other people start asking questions, well...

    "I must admit the sight is strange," Layla added. She made no other comments, though, suggesting to Tessa she really didn't care. Probably because she had already filed the cat under the 'non-threat' column and moved on. Tessa harrumphed in response, momentarily put out that Layla hadn't backed her up, but the disappointment was quickly forgotten.

    "Faust...? Come on, aren't you curious? Just a little?" Tessa looked to Faust pleadingly, one hand stretched towards Seven and the cat.
  5. Sinistrari

    Sinistrari Devious Grins & Hunter of Synonyms reg

    "I take it you've never had a cat before? They always insult people. It's part of their sadistic, I-own-your-arse charm." Faust corrected with a warm, humoured smirk that far mismatched his mean words. "You've probably just never realised."

    He turned his practically radiant smile upon the redhead with the intention of teasing her but... soon felt his confidence belittled in a flushed, hastily averted mess. She was pretty. Too pretty. It was difficult to keep the tough-guy act up and playfully corner her when he couldn't even look her straight in the eye. Bright, big emerald-green eyes at that... The doctor awkwardly - with painful effort - cleared his throat and cast a curious stare towards the true subject of all of this. It was a welcome distraction. And a very intriguing one too, indeed. He was actually more surprised that he wasn't as surprised as Tessa was. Maybe all this rapid shifting between frostbite-cold and bashful burning was getting to his head and had damaged something.

    "It is odd that she can talk though, I'll give you that." Faust acknowledged at last. He narrowed his sharp eyes at the sassy little creature and its also unique appearance. Only to mutter quietly to himself, "Though I suppose if they're going to take over the Kingdom one day it's no shocking revelation that they can speak..."

    He blinked thoughtfully a few times only to shrug and laugh it off. "You have to tell me where you found her one day, kid." The doctor grinned. "Or rather where she found you. I've been wanting a cat myself for quite a while now.

    "Anyway, shall we get back to business?" He snapped the key up into a fist and finally rose to his feet. "The locked door was right back at the bloody beginning wasn't it?"
  6. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven seized Faust’s distraction.
    “Yeah,” he said. “I think she got in the way of some enchantment or something.”
    He was interrupted by the almost imperceptible flickering of Fairy Blue on his head, barely noticeable if only because for a split second her weight had stopped squashing his face.
    “Oh, hell,” muttered the sword spirit privately to Seven. “I think I’m about to revert,”
    he thought sharply. Revert?
    “I’m not so good at controlling my animal forms. What, you never noticed that they start getting shifty after like five minutes?”
    I wasn’t watching! And I didn’t have you on my head!
    “Find some excuse to put me back on that ledge. I’ll revert up there and change back to cat form once I’ve got a grip on myself,”
    What, we’re gonna do that this entire time? That’s a terrible idea!
    “Can you think of anything better?”

    Seven looked up at the room thoughtfully.
    “Yeah, there was a locked door way back there,” he said, “but I might get Fairy Blue to take a look up on that ledge, just in case,”
    He stood next to the ledge, and the cat sprung off his head and onto the ledge, vanishing from sight. “Anything up there?”
    “A chest. A door, too. But you won’t be able to get up here or anything,”
    “Oh,” Seven said, pausing. “Feel free to come back, then,”
    “Gimme a sec,” the cat said gruffly. “Exploring,”
    After a few moments, the cat appeared again.

    “I’m good now,” she said. “Should be able to hold it a little longer, especially if I can keep in contact with my blade. Reckon if I sit on your shoulder you can position the sword so my tail can reach?”
    I can try,
    he responded.
    Shuffling his belt a little, Seven offered a shoulder for the cat to jump to, which she did, letting her long, plumed tail brush against the hilt of her sword.
    “Okay, keep going through that door or go back to the first room?” he asked.

    (you can auto Seven to the next room if you want)
  7. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    "Why not both? I mean we've got like four people. Five if we count the cat, which I have not forgotten about, by the way." As she spoke, Tessa squinted her eyes in the cat's direction, pointing first to her eyes and then to the cat. She jumped slightly as a gauntlet came down on her shoulder, turning to look at Layla.

    "No. We have seen little of the dangers this place holds, but I expect we shall need all hands present as we continue further in. Splitting the team may leave one or both groups lacking skills vital to survival."

    For a moment, Tessa tried to get a read on Layla's conviction...before realizing that was sort of impossible through the other woman's helmet. She shrugged- only one shoulder actually rising, as the other was pinned by the weigh of Layla's arm- and nodded in assent.

    "Fiiiiiine. We can play it your way. This time. But I am so calling the shots next time, y'hear? My plans are glorious and they will have their day."

    With that, Tessa skipped out of the room, leaving Layla wondering how ominously to interpret that last statement. Had she been able to see more than Tessa's back, she would have known the smaller woman to be wearing a humorous smirk presently, but her hair was rather less helpful. After a moment she opted to simply leave it be; when had Tessa been anything but sarcastic? Even Layla had begun to clue in on that one. She followed Tessa to the front of the dungeon.
  8. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven huffed and followed after them, Fairy Blue digging her claws into his temples to stay balanced atop his head.
    "That's a really dumb place to sit, you know," he muttered at her unhappily. The cat responded by digging her claws in harder, eliciting a hiss from Seven even as he quickly decided to stop antagonising his sword.

    "So..." Seven began as he followed them into the next room. "Where now?"
    "I like that door," Fairy Blue said, jabbing a paw at a red door that was almost completely obscured by a sheet of ice. Seven ignored the tiny streak of blood from her claw marks in favour of attempting to give a beseeching look to the furry weight on his head.
    "How do we get through it? It's frozen solid!"
    The cat made a movement that could only be described as a shrug.
    "You think I care? Do something about it,"
    Seven pouted and examined the door, hissing as he touched the freezing surface. One side seemed to be less bulky than the other, slick with water and melting away from...a torch.
    "Ha," Seven said, drawing an arrow and sticking the head in the fire, nocking it in his bow and firing it straight at the centre of the ice block. It melted abnormally easily, as if the touch of the fiery arrow had been a bonfire lit in the heart of the crystal.
    "Good boy," Fairy Blue said, stretching and planting her paws back on his temples. "I want to see what's in there. Come on, Seven. Mush,"
    Wincing, Seven looked at his companions before opening the red-framed door.
    "Oh," he said, looking around. "We're back here again,"
    It was the entrance room with the three doors- the one that had been blocked off by ice must have been the same door they just walked through.
    "Boring!" Fairy Blue proclaimed. "Find me a new door!"
  9. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    Ignoring the byplay, Layla mutely pointed towards the remaining door in the entryway, holding up the key they had just acquired. They finally had the ability to unlock that door, and, lacking any other locked doors to open, it seemed they may as well just open that one. She crossed the room and unlocked it while Tessa babbled at the cat some more, apparently unwilling to relent on the subject for even a moment.

    Entering the new room, Layla noted immediately three more blocks of ice. One appeared empty; another contained a block. The last held a switch inside of it, but the switch didn't seem to bar entry to the next room; the stair case was freely accessible already.

    "I suggest you bring another pair of a flaming arrows along," she called back, gesturing to the room ahead. "We need not solve this puzzle to progress, but it may hide something of value to us or shield a hidden door. Melt the ice and I will move the block."

    Layla waited for Seven to fetch the arrows and melt the ice, then solved the puzzle much as she had the last one.

    ((Just go ahead and melt the ice and open the chest and move us to the next room. No need to spend time on a repeat of the first puzzle right?))
  10. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven nodded briskly, drawing another two arrows and dipping them into the flame, waiting until the shafts took before aiming them at the ice blocks present in the room. A part of him fretted for his bow, hoping that the arrows wouldn't ignite it, but he managed to loose both of them before the flame caught. Like the last ice block, the two in here melted like butter, leaving puddles on the ground.
    "Something's off about that ice," Fairy Blue commented, her tail lazily curling around the hilt of Seven's sword. "Last I checked that's not how melting works."
    Seven nodded in agreement, moving to the chest in the middle of the room excitedly. What was in there? He pried it open to reveal...
    A compass. Well that sucked.

    Huffing, he stared at it before handing it to Layla. "I can't read this," he admitted. "I have no idea how it works,"
    He opted to head up the staircase instead, and gaped at the room he found himself in.
    "Careful," he warned Layla and Tessa. "Those icicles don't exactly look stable,"
    "Test 'em," Fairy Blue told Seven. "I want to see,"
    "I...I don't think that's a good idea,"
    "You suck,"
  11. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    All eyes were on the melting ice but Tessa's, which remained on the oddly named cat. "Fairy Blue" really sounded like something from a song, actually.

    "Did you miss the lava, cuz I think we sort of covered the melting thing already," she put in dryly. Before Layla could react, she snatched the compass from her hand, only to find the damned needle spinning wildly, as if every direction were north. "Shit, I don't know how to read this either. Can this even be read? Last time I checked compasses aren't meant to simulate tornadoes."

    Layla was about to respond when she noticed a change in the map, which was now studded in little treasure chests. She held up the map.

    "It would seem this particular compass is not meant to be read. It merely activates the map's other function." She shrugged, an epic motion in so much armor, and followed Seven up to the next room.
  12. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven executed an abrupt about-face to look at the map Layla held.
    "That...that is so cool!" he said in awe, examining the little treasure chests embossed on the map that definitely hadn't been there before.
    "Go see the icicles!" Fairy Blue yowled, planting her paw heavily on Seven's head and pushing down.
    "Ow! No! You want both of us to get impaled?"
    "Well, I wouldn't mind if you got impaled," groused the cat, scratching at Seven's ear.
    "Don't be so nasty," Seven whined, looking about the room.
    "Will you at least shoot them down for me? I wanna see them smash," she said, a wicked delight in her words. Seven sighed, shrugging his bow off his shoulder and taking aim at each of the icicles.
    "You're making me waste my arrows," he grumbled, shooting down each one. "Cover your eyes, everyone,"
    Each falling icicle smashed the frozen mass beneath it, clearing off several stone pillars. Fairy Blue leaped from his shoulders onto the pillars. "You could totally jump up here!"
    "I might leave that to the jumpy one," he gave Tessa a meaningful look. "Please don't kill my, er, cat,"
  13. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    As Layla inspected the room, Tessa watched the icicles fall. Logically, this made no sense. A solid block of ice like those shouldn't shatter from a simple icicle. A stalactite maybe, but not fragile ice cones! And yet, without fail, every icicle sent falling by Seven's arrows fractured a corresponding block of ice below.

    "I might leave that to the jumpy one," he gave Tessa a meaningful look. "Please don't kill my, er, cat."

    Tessa's omnipresent grin grew wider. One hop, two hops, and then she was off, launching into a flip and a twist that landed her on the first platform, her athletic brain already subconsciously making the calculations for the next one. Only a moment after landing she was in the air again, going for the second platform, somehow landing backwards and facing Seven. She threw off a quick salute and leapt again, reaching the third platform, and then one last handless cartwheel dropped her onto the ledge above, panting faintly.

    Up there she spotted a small chest just a couple meters from her landing position. She popped it open with a light kick. Inside was a cushion taking up most of the chest's volume, upon which sat a simple silver key. She snatched the key and dropped down, waving it to Seven.

    "I think that's all for this room. Onward!"
  14. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    “Oh, bloody hell,” Seven grunted when he entered the next room. A ditch split the room in two, circular indentations etched with patterns placed in the centre of it. There was another door on the other side, but the path to it was blocked with another enormous crystal of ice. “How are we supposed to get across there?”
    He stepped aside to let the others into the room, Fairy Blue jumping off his head to explore the room. A short pillar was to the right of the doorway, bearing the same etched patterns as the ditch in the floor. She jumped on it experimentally. “Hey, this moves,” she said in surprise, bouncing up and down on it. “Maybe it’s a switch of some kind. I love secret switches! I bet it opens a secret passage!”

    “Let me see,” Seven said, walking over and planting his boot on the ‘switch’. Sure enough, it gave slightly under his weight- but he was nowhere near heavy enough to weigh it down. “You reckon if we all stand on here we’ll hold it down?”
    “Can Missy Magic Boots run across the gap?” Fairy Blue asked. Seven hesitated.
    “Will your boots let you run across such a large gap?” he asked Tessa. “If that fails, we can always get Tin Lady here to stand on the switch. That armour of hers must be heavy enough to weigh it down,” He rapped a knuckle on her breastplate, the clang echoing slightly. He followed the little path down into the ditch, examining the two circular indentations. “These move a little too, but not much. There’s...some mechanism underneath them, or something,”

    He was abruptly interrupted by something painfully colliding with his ankle. He yelped and flinched back, looking down to discover that he was standing in the midst of a horde of tiny white creatures that had blended in with the frost, only their orange eyes staring out of it. A second threw itself at him and he jumped backwards, boots sliding on the ice, and he drew Fairy Blue’s blade and swiftly sliced downwards at the tiny creatures, the Shadow Enchantment of the blade activating and, for a split second, darkening the entire room as it cut into the Boes around him. Several squealing sounds later and the Boes had burst into little puffs of white and dissipated, leaving Seven alone in the ditch.
    “Overreact much?” Fairy Blue said dismissively, perched on the switch above. “They were just Boes. No need to go insane on them,”
    “They bit me!” Seven said defensively. “I dunno what the hell a Boe is!”
    “They’re not gonna kill you,” the cat meowed.
  15. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    "Damn skippy I can get over there! This entire puzzle is built for someone a lot shorter though," she pointed as she just walked into the pit, grabbed the ledge, and hauled herself up. The ledge was only about as tall as she was- even if Seven couldn't reach it, she could easily help him up. Layla would be more difficult, but she had a pole-vaulter's range with her boots.

    Layla glanced at the pedestal, briefly considering stepping on it, but she dismissed it quickly. More fun in jumping the gap. She backed up as far as possible, then kicked off, leaping to a speed which would forever be absurd for someone as weighed down in armor as she was. She slammed into the ground on the other side so hard the frozen dirt cracked under her feet, issuing a titanic crashing sound that echoed throughout the room for a moment.

    "Far too glorious a sound for such a simple feat! I may have to fell a mighty beast just to make up for the lack of grandeur!" Layla boasted, immediately walking to the door while Tessa crouched to help Seven up. She stepped through and beckoned the others after her, finding herself in the cavernous room from before. A platform connected them to two other walkways, one of which ended in barred stairs. She headed for the other and discovered a simple square room, dotted in strangely colored platforms, with a switch on the other side surrounded by fire.

    As the others followed her in the door barred itself shut, leaving them alone for a moment. Then, without warning, three figures shot up out of the platforms, glaring menacingly.

    "Wizzrobes," Tessa pointed out unnecessarily. She raised her mirror shield and wiggled her eyebrows at them.

    (Changing things up a little to get past the fire arrows and platform puzzle. Figure we don't need to backtrack to deal with that.)
  16. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven flushed when he realised that he hadn't even thought of using his companions' height to his advantage.
    "Not everyone's a midget like you," Fairy Blue told him, jumping down, flicking him- and her blade- with her tail, and then springing up to the ledge to join the others. Seven bit his lip, sheathing his sword.
    "Here I was, thinking this would be some fancy puzzle," he said, taking Tessa's hand and letting her help him up onto the ledge. Not for the first time, he wondered if his age was some sort of liability. Which it most certainly was.

    He followed them into the room beyond and flinched sharply at the sudden metallic noise, whirling to see the doors somehow barred shut.
    "Is that normal?" he asked worriedly, having never seen anything of the like before. The appearance of the Wizzrobes- thank you, Boots, I don't know what these are called- startled him even more. He pulled his blade from the sheath once again, and Fairy Blue hissed at the monsters.

    "I- I'm gonna assume those aren't friendly," Seven said, beginning to regret this whole endeavour. Courageous he was not, however much of a hero he wanted to be.
    "You coward," Fairy Blue growled at him, clawing his ear. He yelped and tried to bat her paw away. "Fight them, for Din's sake. Don't just stand there,"
    Seven had been waiting for the other two to make the first move- they were clearly the more experienced fighters- but Fairy Blue's sharply worded reprimand spurred him into action. He jumped forwards, slashing the scimitar down towards the nearest of the three figures.
  17. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    Caught mid-dance, the Wizzrobe near Seven shrieked in pain before vanishing, only to appear again on the far side of the room. Tessa dashed forward towards another, but it disappeared before she could reach it. The third fired off a magic blast at her, but she deflected it back with her mirror shield, eliciting another howl of pain.

    Layla stood still, fully aware she would never sneak up on one of these creatures successfully. Still, she hefted her axe and waited for an opportunity.

    Two more blasts of magic came at Tessa, both of which simply bounced off her shield harmlessly, although neither struck a Wizzrobe this time. She darted in on the third and slashed before it could strike, and then Layla got her chance.

    Thinking itself out of her reach, the Wizzrobe teleported closer to her and began to prepare an attack while the other two fired at Tessa and Seven. It had, however, underestimated her reach. Layla's arm uncoiled lightning fast with the battleaxe at maximum extension, tearing the emaciated wizard in half like it was made of paper. It disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving two more to kill.
  18. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven gave a slight grin when the Wizzrobe shrieked and fled, and he spun towards another, charging at it only to have it stare at him for a split second before vanishing, Seven running his sword straight through thin air. He reared back in astonishment and was only saved from being enveloped in a blast of magic by Fairy Blue's warning- by which he meant the fact that she had hurriedly departed his head. Which was good. Having a cat on one's head wreaked havoc on one's balance. He managed to barely dodge out of the way of the magic blast, feeling the heat of it as it ignited the air around it. He whirled to face his attacker, but they were already gone.

    He scowled, tightening both hands around the handle of Fairy Blue, who wasn't helping at all, despite her agile cat form and her claws. Instead he fixed his gaze on another of the Wizzrobes and lunged forward, bringing the blade of the scimitar down just as it went to fling a projectile. It shrieked in pain as it was sliced from shoulder to hip, the room once again seeming to strobe with the effect of the Shadow Enchantment of the blade, jerking backwards and collapsing before vanishing in a puff of smoke. He looked around, but it didn't seem to have reappeared.

    "Good job," mewled the cat as it approached him, reaching up to tag the blade in his hand with a paw. "You only almost died once,"
    "No thanks to you," he grumbled. The cat's eyes glittered.
    "Oh? I thought I was quite helpful," she said, eyeing the blade in his hand.
  19. Cataphractoi

    Cataphractoi Nanase is rebooting reg

    It took only a few moments more to dispatch the final Wizzrobe. As it exploded into smoke, a faint hiss of metal on metal could be heard in the background, followed by a nearer sound as the door opened for them. Tessa was the first out the door, happily skipping up the now-usable stairs to the final floor.

    Across the way, there was an ornate door with a lock shaped like a mask. There was no apparent way to reach that platform, but a walkway extended around the side of the room to another door where Tessa suspected they would find the key and possibly a switch. She led her teammates through the accessible door, finding herself in a pit within a circular room. It almost looked like a roughly hewn colosseum. Spires of rock crowned the edges of the pit. She looked up at them...and then up at the monster hanging from the sealing. She leaped backwards as it came crashing to the ground, then rose up to its full height, twice as large as Layla.


    "Finally, a foe worth our efforts! Come, beast, and be struck down by Layla Shula el-Amin!"

    An arm coated in shimmery metal came crashing down on Layla's head, but she narrowly managed to block it. As it rose back to its full height, she struck back, slamming her axe into its waist with bone-crushing force. A hairline crack was the only result. Layla started to wind up for another swing when she was thrust backwards, slamming into the pit's wall. She looked down to find an uncomfortably large dent in her armor.

    The spire above her rumbled ominously.

    "Got any better ideas than hitting it?" Tessa asked honestly. "Pretty sure the rest of us can't take a hit like that, Layla."

    "Find a way of damaging it! I will hold it back," Layla declared, blocking another swing with the haft of her axe. Tessa climbed to the top of the pit for a look around.
  20. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Seven gaped at the caved-in metal that had previously been a smooth plate of armour.
    "Oh, my Din," he said. "I don't even wear armour!"
    "Bully for you," Fairy Blue said, flicking her tail. "So bashing its brains in isn't an option, then? Bummer. Oh, watch out,"
    Seven barely managed to dodge backwards from another slammed fist that would have pulverized him into jam, his blade held aloft. Fairy Blue skipped upwards, landing on the creature's arm and running up it to reach its head.
    "You're ugly," she told it, and it roared and swatted at her. She dissolved into blue embers, whipping between the creature's fingers and back to Seven's sword before erupting out of it once again as a cat, golden eyes glinting sharply.

    "Any ideas?" the Hylian boy shouted to Tessa, even though she had just asked that question herself. The rock under the creature's fist had crumbled, cracks spread out alarmingly wide, and the creature appeared to be leaning on the curved ledge. An idea sprang into Seven's head and he darted forward, rapping the blade of the sword gently against the creature's knuckles to see if the shadow enchantment inherent to the blade would take effect against the creature.