Several minor things

Discussion in 'Small Updates' started by Guy, May 31, 2014.

  1. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    We now have a guide to HC thread. With it, there have been a few small changes:
    - The biggest change is that rupees can be exchanged for treasures at any time, so long as the exchange is made with an in-character post. (You can still gain treasures in place of rupees during Quests, Dungeons, or the like.)
    - The forum index has been narrowed down a bit. Specifically, The "Marketplace" and old "Guide & F.A.Q." boards have been archived; the "Character Roster" and "Quest Bureau" forums have been moved into the Hyrule category; "Archives," was moved to the bottom of the Community category; the "Role-Play Organization" category, now empty, has been removed.
    - A horses is now a "common-tier" item, and can be gained for free (so long as you don't have more than one).
    - You can now "rent" a treasure at a reduced cost, to use it in a single thread.
    - Whenever a character wins an exhibition match in the arena, that character earns at least 20 rupees in addition to any wagered treasures.

    ...I still need to update the header so "Lore" links to the new Guide thread instead, but, I'll get around to that eventually. :tpr:
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    So if we want to make a quick post to get a treasure, we just do it in Northern Hyrule/Southern Hyrule/Eastern Sea, depending on where our character is? Just checking, since the Marketplace was ideal for little things like that.
  3. Squishy

    Squishy tl;dr this is all, still, toko's fault admin

    I think it's a good idea to be able to get every kind of treasure inbetween RPs, but isn't it a better idea to keep the marketplace to post the threads in to avoid clogging up the other areas? It'd also keep everything neatly in one place which makes it easier to find when looking for a specific thread. Even if it'd have another name it'd be a good subforum to keep everything organised in.
  4. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    Yes, that's the idea.

    I personally don't really see the point in bringing back the Marketplace just to house those one-person threads. (We don't have so many RPs that things are getting clogged up, I think.) That said, I could bring it back as an optional place for such threads so long as more than one or two people would use it. (I'm trying to cut down on the number of forums on the main index since, I'm told, it can be intimidating to new members--but it's important to satisfy current members, too.)