Sapientia Mercator

Discussion in 'Retired Characters' started by Double_r111, Aug 4, 2011.

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  1. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Name:Sapientia Mercator




    Place of Origin:Noble Estates of Castle Town

    PWC: Power-1 Wisdom-5 courage-2

    Magic Proficiency
    Rupee Riches
    Deku Nut

    Height:ft.5 in.5


    Alignment: Neutral Good


    knife: Blade- 10 inches Handle 3.5 inches materials wood handle, sharp steel blade

    A knife Sapientia carries with him at all times. It is used for protection when he ventures into poor parts of the city and just outside the city. Sapientia is not particularly skilled with it, however the blade itself is quite good. Sapientia does not enjoy melee combat and will try to avoid it in favor of magic, however the Knife is used when he is forced into a situation like this.
    The knife also has many practical uses such as cutting meat.

    Books: Being very intelligent, Sapientia always brings a few books with him where ever he goes. this comes in handy as if theres something that he comes across he doesn't know much about Sapientia can look it up in the book. Sapientia doesn't just use them as resources but also sometimes reads for entertainment, hardly surprising considering his intelligence.

    Appearance:Sapientia has average length black hair that is very straight. He also has bright blue eyes, that seem very deep, an accurate description. Sapientia doesn't usuall where armor, prefering the more scholarly look of long dark colored robes. Sapientia is quite skinny, and very short compared to most people. As one would probably guess looking at him, Sapientia is not very strong at all, that is balanced by his immense potential and skill in magic.

    Personality: Sapientia is mostly a loner, preffering the company of books and the likes to people. However Sapientia is fascinated by other species and tries to befriend people of other species to varying degrees of success. Sapientia visits the goron slums of the city often and knows quite a few there. Due to his fascination with other species Sapientia is very respectful to their customs.

    Sapientia also loves the outdoors, when not in his room reading he can often be found somewhere outside, and on occasion he even brings his books with him and reads outside. One peculiar trait that Sapientia has is that he loves the cold, and so once he started studying magic it was only a matter of time before he found out about Cold magic, he started studying this path extensively and now specializes in it.

    Sapientia hates fighting up close and uses magic almost exclusively except for when melee is the only option. He does have a knife his father gave him however. Looking into his pale blue eyes, and his seclusive nature may lead one to believe he is very cold hearted, but that is only half the truth. In reality, Sapientia is quite kind to those he has befriended, although he shows an amount of respect to anyone but theives, monsters and those with evil intention. More recently Sapientia has decided he would like to travel the world, however these are dangerous times. Sapientia is unworried however as he believes if attacked he could fend off the attacker using his magic, who knows, maybe he might even try to fight against Ganon.

    Backstory: Sapientia is a genius. He started speaking at a young age and by just 5 he was already showing faint signs of magic.His parents, noticing this hired him a private tutor for magic. Sapientia was home schooled by his mother Cynthia Mercator who is a scholar. His father Mark Mercator paid for the tutor easily, being a succesful merchant of Castle town. Because he was trained from such a young age, Sapientia is an expert at magic.

    When He turned 10, Sapientia's father gave him his knife, which was custom made for him. Sapientia however chose not to name the knife, mainly because of how little he uses it. When he was 12, Sapientia grew fond of exploring, wandering castle town on his own. It was during a fierce cold snap later that year that Sapientia realized he wasn't just tolerant to the cold, but he actually enjoyed it.

    On his 15 birthday, his parents were finally confident enough in his abilities to let him stray short distances away from the town, which by this time, he knew like the back of his hand. He explored occasionally but the town was much more interesting due to all the bustling around, and besides he knew many there, and had befriended a few people, mostly shopkeepers.
    However he did enjoy the quiet nature just outside castle town for activities such as reading and just relaxing in general.

    At 17, Sapientia had finally mastered magic well enough that he had no more need of a mentor. Sapientia had chosen too specialize in cold magic. He had learned the two techniques Blizzard and Ice. Sapientia also carries a deku nut at all times to get away if an enemy gets too close to him. It was this year he had imbued a small amount of his magic into the Knife his father gave him to preven it from breaking, rusting or falling into disrepair.

    Now at 19, Sapientia is finally prepared to leave his home and begin his travels. He is bringing his knife of course, as well as some important books. Sapientia plans his first destination will be to see the Zora's of Lake Hylia. He does plan to stop at Lon Lon ranch on his way their however.
  2. SenpaiPancake

    SenpaiPancake Shhh! I'm charging my laser... reg

    Looks okay to me. Passed. [/stamp]
  3. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Just making a post, I plan to rewrite this character's bio shortly. I will put the updated version in this post.
  4. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    +1 to Wisdom for being promoted to HC regular.
  5. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    As per the request of Double_r111, the character Sapientia Mercator has been retired.
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