Sandal, Moblin Mercenary and Gifted Outfitter

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Devil-Steel, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Name: Sandal, Moblin Mercenary and Gifted Outfitter

    Race: Common Moblin

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male

    Place of Origin: Lost Woods

    PWC: 5/1/2

    Treasures & Rupees:

    Racial Traits
    Power Lift
    Bonus Treasure (Snowshoe Ring)
    Business (Crafting)

    Normal Treasures
    Snowshoe Ring
    Crafting: Outfitter Level 2
    Adventure Pouch
    Profession: Mercenary Level 3
    Backshift Cape
    Blue Fire

    Rupees: 19


    Sandal only wears the heaviest of armor, which is usually very strange for a Moblin, but due to Sandal's unnatural affinity for outfitting and his obsession with armor he wouldn't have it any other way. Of course the other reason that he wears armor is so that he can hide what he is so that he can earn a living doing what he loves. While his armor holds no special effects, he never removes it while in the presence of others as most don't take kindly to those of his race.

    His weapon is much the same as his armor, in that it is rather simple, but is extraordinary in the fact that he is usually seen swinging around a large two-handed club in a single hand.



    When alone, or with those that know of his secret Sandal has been known to shed his armor. Once he has done so the seven foot tall, three hundred and fifty pound Moblin is revealed to have brown fur and an almost pit bull looking face. Outside of his armor he is like many other Moblins wearing very little clothing on his muscular body. Usually only wearing a pair of leather boots and a rather small pair of brown pants that doesn't reach mid thigh. While most would find his size, and his face, intimidating the truth is that Sandal is rather kind. It is the reason that he is normally not seen outside of his armor in strange company.


    Anyone who has ever held a conversation with Sandal would know instantly just how simple he is. While speaking to someone he very seldom manages to create a complete sentence normally ending up with two or three word sentences that get his point across, if just barely. Like most Moblins he is prone to giving into a vice, but unlike most of his kind his vice isn't money or violence. No Sandal is obsessed with armor and clothing of all things. This strange vice of would advance over the years turning him into a 'gifted' Outfitter. As gifted as a Moblin could be at least.


    Born to a tribe of Moblin in the Lost Woods most would think that Sandal's fate would be sealed. That just like everyone else of his tribe he would grow up to become a bandit stealing from those unlucky enough to get lost in the woods that he calls home. While the chances for that happening were high, something else had come to pass something strange. Growing up Sandal had shown an unusual interest in armor. Be it made of cloth, leather, hide, or metal it didn't make a difference. Young Sandal could always be found tinkering with a piece of armor. Either he was taking it apart or turning it into makeshift armor for himself since no one else in the tribe wanted any. By the age of four Sandal had all but been abandoned by his tribe due to this unusual fascination with armor.

    Since the tribe didn't care what he did or didn't do Sandal left the woods to see what other armor he could come across. Although as a Moblin he wasn't welcomed anywhere and could never get close to an Outfitter without them running in terror screaming for the guard. This innate fear and hatred of Moblins always got him chased out of any settlements. Eventually he would don a thick cloak to pretend he was a Subrosian, which allowed him to roam almost unhindered. While he was still looked at with fear, and the hatred of being something different, no longer was he chased away. In fact he had found an old, and somewhat senile, Outfitter that was willing to take on a Subrosian as an apprentice. Even in his old age, this senile old Hylian was a master of his craft. He managed to teach Sandal a great many things about armor that he would have never learned on his own.

    As the years went by and he grew in size Sandal was no longer able to pass as a Subrosian. He knew that if the villagers saw him for what he really was they would chase him out of town once more. With his master dead Sandal made his final suit of armor in his masters shop before leaving the town at the age of ten. Sandal was fully grown and began his life as a wandering Mercenary and Outfitter. Using his either his brute strength or skillful hands to earn a living. During his travels he acquired a Snowshoe Ring and Adventure Pouch from a traveling merchant. The pouch he bought so that he could store his Rupees and crafting materials, while the ring was to keep him from having to trudge through the snow each winter. Which was a welcomed change to the large armored behemoth. During his travels he was mistaken as a Darknut on numerous occasions due to his size and armor and received mixed reactions on those occasions. This was how he spent the last five years. Wandering. Everything he did, he did so that he could spend as much time as he could with his precious armor. His work as a mercenary was to earn Rupees to eat, and the rest went to materials for armor so he could experiment and play around. While he doesn't have much experience with magical materials, he isn't afraid to play around with them and see what wondrous things such things would allow him to make.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

    Yeah, okay, this is approved.
  3. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    +1 to Sandals Courage Score for being upgraded to Regular Rank.
  4. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

  5. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Sandal lost 10 of his own rupees, and 5 of Julius' to the Twister. Aside from his rupees his armor was also melted forcing him to have to reforge it.
  6. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Ice Cave Rewards: Profession Level 3, Blitz, and 24r to pocket and 5r to pay back what Julius loaned him.

    Sandal also walks away with a bottle of Blue Fire due to the previous years winter event!
  7. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Sandal lost 7 Rupees to the Twister for a twist that didn't seem to happen.
  8. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Sandal gains 3r from here, bringing his total from 17 to 20.
  9. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Sandal lost 20r here, and gained back 19r for a total of -1r.