Role Play Rules and Guidelines

Discussion in 'Role Play Rules and Questions' started by Blonde Panther, Jun 28, 2013.

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  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Role Play Rules and Guidelines

    While Ylisse is a largely free-form roleplay, we are subject to a couple of rules and guidelines to keep the board enjoyable for everyone. Please abide by them, for we will undertake action if we feel you are consistently ignoring them.

    • 1. Follow the instructions of the staff. We know how the RP mechanics work, we know how the setting and the plot work, and if we are asking you to change the contents of a profile or RP, it is with good reason. If we ask you to cease or change certain behaviour, we are doing that for the good of everyone involved in Ylisse.

      2. We are a roleplaying board separate from the Hyrule RP, but we are still part of Hyrule Castle. As such, the moderating team of HC holds power in Ylisse, even if they are not involved with the contents of the RP. This means that you should abide by the instructions of non-Ylisse staff, as well; it also means that you should abide by the rules of Hyrule Castle as a whole.

      3. Hyrule Castle as a whole is rated PG/PG-13. This means Ylisse is, too. Keep the roleplaying safe for work. Violation of this rule will result in anything from a warning to an immediate ban, depending on the severity of the violation. A second offense means I will request for the user to be banned, no exceptions.

      4. Follow the system we have laid out. I have seen in the past that people did not want to do this for other RPs, but if you do not want to use our class list, our level system, or our weapon system, please find a different roleplaying board. Characters with incomplete profiles will be outright rejected, and if we see you not abiding by the level system or using weapons that do not follow the rules of the weapon system, you will be asked to change this.

      5. We do not tolerate godmodding: the act of making your character invincible and impossibly powerful, dictating what happens to all other characters, and generally being the most powerful entity in the RP without just cause. An obvious example of this would be to have a level 1 Thief infiltrate Ylisstol, sneak their way past the guards, and assassinate Princess Lissa without any form of resistance at all.

      6. On that note, generally speaking we do not allow bunnying, either. Bunnying is the act of controlling other people’s characters in your own post. For example, if your Soldier is fighting someone else’s Mercenary, you are not allowed to write the Mercenary’s actions in your post. Exceptions to this are in the case of joint posts, in which case you have to note clearly in the post that it is a joint post with the other RPer. Some people allow minor bunnying of their characters for the sake of speeding up posting, such as characters following others around or nodding to voice their approval- but you should always check with the other RPer.

      7. Do not kill other people’s characters, unless you can prove to us that the other person has allowed or even asked you to. PvP is allowed, but it is not the focus of the RP and characters are not disposable. This just ruins the fun for the other person. If your character was killed by someone else in an RP, you can notify us by PM and we will undertake action.

      8. Please use proper grammar and spelling. We cannot really punish you for having a poor mastery of English, but at the very least, start every sentence with a capital letter, capitalize I, end your sentence with a period, exclamation mark, question mark, or ellipses, and put a space between the end of a sentence and the start of another. Not doing this makes any sort of writing incredibly painful to read both for your fellow RPers and for the grading mod. If your grammar and spelling are really atrocious, it will affect your grading.

      9. Keep the swearing limited to a minimum. We understand that certain characters resort to crude language when caught by surprise or when frustrated –I have at least one character like that myself on the Hyrule RP-, and that it would be out of character for them to censor themselves, but we do not want people dropping F-bombs every other sentence. If you are considering making a character like that, you should probably reconsider. Swearing in out of character areas is especially bad and there is no justification for it.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
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