Results of the Xenforo Transfer

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Blonde Panther, Aug 24, 2013.

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  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    I've already mentioned this in the proper thread, but I'd like to go into slightly more detail and it seems wiser to do that here, where those uninvolved in Ylisse aren't bothered by it.

    As a result of the transfer to the Xenforo software, all URLs on the board have been changed. Since there is no such thing as automatically updating all links in all threads, I have to do this by hand. I think I've got all the important threads sorted out, but let me know if you spot a broken link in one of them.

    Another result is that at present, Spoiler Tags don't work, as Toko pointed out in the main announcement. This means that not only are sidebars and signatures entirely open, but a lot of threads that I've made containing information have been... temporarily ruined, shall we say. Threads such as the census will be empty, but maintained on my hard drive until Spoiler Tags work again. However, threads such as the Class List and the Weapon System, which are too important to outright delete, will remain unchanged and will therefore look terrible until this is fixed. I ask for your patience.

    Please note that while I have updated all threads that I have started, including informative posts, my profiles, and my roleplaying and discussion threads, you yourself are responsible for your own threads being up-to-date.

    This is all I have found thus far, but more things yet may pop up as time goes on. I wouldn't at all be surprised if certain mod controls have started malfunctioning again, so bear with us. We'll get this all figured out ASAP.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013
    Bitoko likes this.
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Okay, with the return of Spoiler Tags, Ylisse should now be back up to how it was before the transfer. Do remember, however, that I have not fixed the links in threads started by anyone but myself. In all other threads, they should have been updated; let me know if I've missed any. Mod controls don't seem to be malfunctioning, either, so I think we're good.

    One change is permanent, however. Many of us, including myself, used the so-called sidebar under our avatars to list our Ylissean characters. Toko knows more about why, but it's my understanding that we're not getting it back. I'm terribly sorry about this, and I ask you all to put links to your profiles in your signature, instead.
  3. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    To clarify, BP is right in saying the spoiler bars inside of the side panel are not coming back. This is due to the size of the panel itself, which is much narrower than what we had on the other forum software. I want HC to look as professional and clean as possible, so I made the decision to keep spoilers out of the user info box. I am sorry if this inconveniences some of you, but there is plenty of room in your signatures to house your characters.
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