Races of the World

Discussion in 'Setting' started by Blonde Panther, Jul 3, 2013.

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  1. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Races of the World

    The world’s population is almost exclusively human. The race is versatile, being on average equally skilled in magic, archery, close combat, and non-combat arts, while individuals excel in specific fields. No two humans are or look the same, but certain things are the same across the race.
    • Humans have access to all classes barring Manakete.
    • There are no weaknesses inherent to the human race.
    • On average, humans have an expected lifespan of about 80 years.

    Manakete, better known to some as Dragons, are an almost mythical race that is very real, but also teetering on the brink of extinction. For this reason, some Manakete choose to hide their identity from humans, while others are proud of their dragon blood and display it openly. Manakete use so-called Dragonstones to assume the form of an enormous Wyvern, and it is speculated that the two are related somehow. Notably, the Divine Dragon Naga and her Voice, Lady Tiki, are Manakete.
    • Most Manakete will use their unique class of the same name.
    • Manakete CAN use any of the human classes, but do so at the cost of their ability to turn into dragons form.
    • Manakete, regardless of their class, have an inherent weakness to all forms of dragonslaying weaponry or magic.
    • Manakete can reach anywhere between 9,000 to 10,000 years of age.
    • Manakete count as a Special Race and are graded extremely strictly on account of their sparse numbers. Grading will be even stricter if the Manakete uses a human class.
    • For certain reasons, Manakete are at present not available as PCs. Manakete profiles will be rejected until further notice.

    The Taguel were a once great race similar to, but much weaker than the Manakete. Rather than dragons, they would turn into all manner of animals- Cats, Rabbits and Birds have been confirmed to have existed. However, humans have relentlessly hunted the Taguel in the past and reduced their population to one. The Last Taguel is closely monitored by the Shepherds.
    • Taguel PCs cannot be made under whatever circumstances. Any submitted PC using the Taguel race will be rejected, regardless of how well-written the profile is.
    • Taguel had an inherent weakness to any form of beastslaying weaponry or magic.
    • On average, Taguel had a life expectancy between 200 and 2000 years of age depending on their animal species.
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