
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Quill, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    While a character can hold a job without using this system, only through a Profession will a character receive rewards from it. Professions could be anything from Politician to Waitress, from Town Crier to Cook. Each Profession holds 10 levels. The first level is bought with a full quest reward: 50 rupees. Each next level costs its name times 10; so, purchasing the second level of Waitress would require 20 rupees. No two levels can be purchased in the same thread.

    There are two benefits to having a Profession.

    First, at the end of each thread a character would earn 5 times his profession level in quest rupees. So, a level 1 Politician would only get an extra 5 rupees at the end of an RP, while a master level 10 Politician would receive a whopping extra 50 rupees for every RP completed. While a character may hold multiple Professions, he can only receive extra rupees from one at the end of a quest.

    Second, a Profession can have additional, specialized benefits. These are people like the Alchemists, who's job allows them access to Treasures that others would find largely inaccessible. These are people like the Bombcrafters, who have a plethora of bomb-schematics to draw upon when creating their wares. These people still get their rupees, but they also get benefits unique to their Profession. Professions with these specialized bonuses are harder to create, requiring working alongside a Moderator to perfect, but most consider them well worth the effort.

    Finally, I would like to firmly state that a profession is completely different than a class. There are no classes on HC; the purpose of the Library is to give each character the opportunity to create a totally unique character with the available sources without having to confine to a set character archetype. Professions are jobs, not paths in life. A Profession that is more class than job will be promptly rejected.