Nomination, Promotion, and Demotion

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Quill, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    The process for nominating and promoting Regulars is exactly the same as it is for Newbies. However, the standards for the Veteran rank are a lot higher than for the Regular. Veterans should be the cream of the crop, the best of the best. These are the elite Roleplayers. Their grammar is spot-on, their writing is deep and highly impressive, their characters feel real and act as if there wasn't another living being controlling their actions, etc. You get the idea. Only the very best Roleplayers should be considered for entry into this rank. We never look for potential nominees; a potential nominee should unwittingly hammer us over the head with his awesomeness. A potential Veteran should be someone whom nearly everyone goes, "well, duh" about.

    Veterans are also truly active. A potential Veteran cannot be a person who you're leery of agreeing to RP with because they have a history of dropping off the face of the earth mid-RP. They don't need to be on every day, but they should be active posters. You should never be worried that a Veteran will disappear on you.

    Most importantly, Veterans have good attitudes. The same requirement for Regulars applies here, but like the active and writing requirements, its even more strict. Veterans are the best the site has to offer, and so a potential Veteran cannot be disagreeable, hostile, antagonistic, or even unpleasant. Arrogant attitudes or condescending natures should not be reinforced by promotions. On a related note, a potential Veteran should be open to Roleplaying with more than just a single person or group of people. Refusing to RP with anyone but person A or clique B, while not absolute grounds for denial, should be carefully considered in the voting process. Like UMTs, having Veterans who only work with one person isn't helpful.

    Finally, Veterans need to have been on for a while. I'm not saying a year+ or anything stupid like that, but be reasonable. The Veteran rank is something to which every member should aspire to, and so it's rather counterproductive to promote someone still new to the site, even if he does meet all the requirements. If he's really active and dedicated to the site, he'll stick around. If he doesn't, well, it's good that he wasn't promoted.

    Remember to nominate and vote responsibly, and most of all, respect each other's input. If something negative comes up that's worth addressing, be sure to discuss it instead of trying to "outvote" your fellow Vet/Staff. This isn't politics, this is HC, and we respect each other here. Nomination threads will be deleted upon a Veteran's promotion to prevent any hard-feelings, so if you know something, you can bring it up without fear of repercussions.