Naomi Bree

Discussion in 'Profiles' started by Chaos James, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Name: Naomi Bree
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: The Halidom of Ylisse
    Allegiance: The Halidom of Ylisse

    Class: Archer
    Level: 1
    Weapon Levels: Bow [E](0/5)
    - Bronze Shortbow

    Appearance:With a slender frame of 5'4 and weighing only 130 pounds, Naomi isn't what many would consider a good soldier. Her skin is fair and her azure eyes are soft, always with a smile on her face. Her hair is a fiery mane of red, messy with two braided ponytails across her shoulders just like her mother. While her frame is small, years of drawing a bowstring has tightened her arm muscles and hunting with her teacher has given her strong legs for running.

    Coming from a poor farming village, clothing is simple at best. Naomi wears a short brown, sleeveless dress of sorts, reaching down to about her mid-thigh. The dress has very little design in it, the stitching near the chest being from whatever the material was taken from to make the dress, and a plain hood sewn to the back it. She wears a short pair of brown shorts underneath the dress, a plain leather belt that was her father's, and finishes off her simple outfit with a pair of fingerless brown gloves and rough leather boots that barely reach her shins. Because she can't afford it, she doesn't have any armor of any kind. She wears her quiver strung over her back and her bow the opposite direction.

    Personality: Naomi is generally considered cheery and optimistic by most, always quick with a kind smile or words of encouragement. She is a diligent worker, having grown up on a farm, and never complains about work being given to her. Along with that, she is quite patient, able to quietly wait for extended periods of time without issue, a skill honed through years of hunting and training. She is a soft-spoken individual, often not voicing her own opinion unless she is certain she has the right answer. When confronted with a choice, she will often pick the simplest route, simplicity only second to the well-being of others.

    Because of her upbringing, she has a fear of people from Plegia, the people around her having no kind words for the people across the border. The government of Ylisse gets no praise either, though the bile slung at the Halidom is by far less then it's neighbour. Her simple life also means she is always uneasy being around people of rank or fancy living, though fine food is what she would consider a special kind of blessing. Violence is never what Naomi considers when she carries her bow, but she has no delusion of safety in the world and will not hesitate on a shot if a life is in danger.

    Backstory: Jacob and Isabella Bree were a happy young couple living in a village near the western border. While it was a happy and peaceful marriage, it did not last long. In a few short years it went from cheerful peace to war as the Halidom of Ylisse and the Theocracy of Plegia took to each other's throats. It wasn't long before the fighting came right to their doorstep, and the people were forced to flee their homes with only what they could carry to avoid slaughter. They fled in all directions, like rats from a sinking ship, as villagers tried to find safety. Some, like the Bree family, went northward with others, while some met with cruel ends at the hands of vile bandit raids. It was north, separated from Plegia by water and feeling secured by the mighty wall to the north did the people find relief of sorts. A friendly and small farming community, though poor, welcomed to homeless people land and food, accepting all who came to join them in the fields.

    Since then, times have always been tough for the young couple, though their spirits did lift when they were blessed with a daughter whom they named Naomi. The small family lived in a simple one-room home, kept warm by a fireplace and sharing what old blankets and furs they could afford to gather up. While living was tough, they were still a happy family, having made fast friends with the others of the community. Jacob would work the fields with the other men to ensure his family would be fed, while Isabella would help one of the older farmer's wife bake and make preserves as the older woman watched young Naomi, telling the child stories and teaching her various things. As time continued on, things got easier for them and soon it was second nature for them to live the kind of lifestyle of simple means.

    When the news arrived that the war had been ended, many people rejoiced, but many more knew that their situation would not change with the war's end. Some, who had fled to the community years ago, left intent on finding their pre-war lives. Others, like the Bree family, decided to stay with the farmers who had taken them in and shared their land, continuing to work the fields and live a simple life. It was hard work, but in certain ways it was rewarding and they lived in a location suited to living out a peaceful life. Growing up, Naomi appreciated the simpler lifestyle and close-knit community that made her feel loved and cared for.

    One such individual who took the time to care for her was the one who taught her archery, whom she affectionately calls "Gramps". He was the husband of the lady who would teach Naomi songs and numbers, and was one of the few farmers who would hunt and trap in the local woods. Many respected Gramps for his skillful shot and supplying many with animal furs that helped keep the people warm during the cold winter months. While he taught a few how to hunt as well, it was Naomi who became his favorite student. She was always eager to practice, and didn't complain about having to sit quietly for long periods of time when going on hunting trips with him.

    A simple life of farming and trapping seemed out of grasp for the young lady though, as if by ill fate did she find herself in the midst of a horrible nightmare. An extended hunting trip with Gramps and the few other hunters of the community had gone on longer then they had expected, and taken them farther out then usual. The game they had snared was good, but they wished to ensure a good hunt would be returned to the farmers. The fog that had descended on them that early evening was an omen they had not read, as they found themselves caught amongst the Risen on their way back to camp. Panic led the hunters to scatter in confusion and fear, and Naomi soon found herself isolated and lost among the fog and feral corpses.

    It was by the luck of a waylaid band of mercenaries did she survive, brought upon their wagons and taken far from the danger of the woods. Circumstance and bandits only furthered the girl from her home, and she soon found herself left in a strange land, at least safe for the time being. With only a few coins given kindly and her simple bow, Naomi had no way to make the trip home, and began to worry that she would not be able to find home at all. Despite all that had happened though, Naomi was thankful that she was still in good health, and with Gramp's training and her bow, she could certainly make the situation better.

    Notes: N/A

    Approved by Squishy
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2014