Marina Davell, Cursed Witch Hunter

Discussion in 'Accepted Characters' started by Magnere, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

    Name: Marina Davell
    Race: Cursed Hylian
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Place of Origin: Northern Hylian
    PWC: 5/2/2
    Treasures and Rupees:

    Racial Perk: Sense
    Racial Perk: Adventure Pouch
    Racial Perk: Business
    Crafting: Outfitter Lvl 1
    Profession: Witch Hunter Lvl 1 (30r)

    Curse of Gills (60r)

    Binding Stone Handcuffs (10r)


    Marina's equipment was built pretty much all by herself, asides from her weapons. The leather armor she wears is pretty simplistic in its design, but effective, and will ultimately be replaced the moment she can get something better. While it provides rather decent protection from weapons, she is more worried about protection from magical attacks. With this in mind, her leather armor is generally regarded as useless to her, even if it would be worth a decent sum.

    She also wears extremely simplistic leather boots and gloves, designed with scrapability in mind. The moment she is able to afford better materials than simple leather, she will immediately scrap these into raw leather, or upgrade them drastically, and only then will she actually put any effort into making them looking amazing or unique at all. A variety of tools for working with armor and clothing are stored inside her Adventure Pouch, which makes scraping or upgrading a general breeze.

    Unlike most warriors who might use a sword and shield, or even a spear, Marina uses a trident. Growing up around fishermen in Mido introduced her to the trident, and while it might not be as effective as a conventional weapon, it is deadly in her hands. Not too different compared to a spear in fighting style, however she claims it is "three times as deadly." She does however carry a few daggers, but mostly for utility purposes.

    Perhaps the strangest part of Marina's possessions is a pair of manacles. Created herself by using a Binding Stone, she can effectively nullify both the fear of physical and magical attacks easily. It doesn't generally see a whole lot of use, but has often found itself useful in a variety of situations.

    Art by Electronic Ink (open)


    Marina does not look at all like your average Hylian. Being cursed before she was born, she has always looked extremely odd. Her skin is a pale bluish grey color, extremely smooth to the touch, without a bit of hair elsewhere other than on her head. Even her hair is strange to the touch, feeling strangely oily, and is kept in a rather short ponytail.

    Her hands and feet are also affected by the curse, with her toes and fingers being webbed and rather pale colored nails. However, the most prominent feature of her curse is her gills. Located behind her ears, the gills are very sensitive to touch, and have a problem with drying out if she is out of water for too long. While this is more of an irritation than any actual pain, it does get incredibly distracting for her after a while.

    Ignoring her curse, she would actually look rather mediocre to Hylian standards. A round chin with full cheeks, blue eyes with rather thin eyebrows, she would have looked like just an average hylian. Even without her curse, she wouldn't be winning any beauty pageants, but she wouldnt be standing out in a crowd either. However now, she is the attention of pretty much every crowd if she isn't disguising herself.


    Marina has a rather cold personality. Almost always focused on the job ahead, never resting until the objective has been complete. Quite often ignoring people's emotions, and even her own, for a sense of logic. However, her emotions will sometimes get the better of her, more specifically anger. She is well known for her fair share of violence.

    However, she does have a rather soft side hidden underneath the hardened warrior she presents herself as. She likes losing herself in books, enjoying the escape from reality. Quite calm and relaxed whenever she is alone. However, she can't even force herself to read anything romance related at all. Being a "monster," she abandoned the idea of any romance long ago, and doesn't want to torture herself with said stories.

    The single most defining trait of hers, is her intense hate for magic. While she understands and even gets along with some wizards, she can never force herself to use spells herself, always forcing herself to use magical items instead even when the spell itself would be much easier and useful. Even if she were to learn an actual spell, she would use it incredibly sparingly, and would leave a foul taste in her mouth every single time.

    Anyone else cursed like her, or otherwise somehow afflicted by magic in a negative light always has her immediate attention and protection. Nothing is as important to her than protecting those from magic who are too weak to do anything about it, and she will always stop everything he is doing to help.


    Ever since she could remember, Marina had always been cursed. Shunned, an outcast, and it wasn't even her fault. Before she was born, her parents were once rather mediocre thieves, and made the mistake of trying to steal from an easily angered witch. They were scared away with the threat of a curse, and when nothing happened to them they shrugged it off, claiming there was no way she actually cursed them.

    A few months later, and her mother realized that she was pregnant. Almost immediately afterwards they settled down in Mido, far away from the larger cities where any bounties might still be on their heads. They had built a rather simple and calm life for themselves, actually planning on starting a family and turning away from the easier life of crime. But that all changed drastically once their child was born.

    A pale blue wiggling mess of a baby immediately brought attention to them from practically half the town. It dawned on them that this was the curse the witch had cursed upon them, or more specifically, on their baby. They fabricated this horrific story about how a witch snuck into their house in the middle of night, and cursed their beautiful baby into this hideous monster. With no other information to go on, the town believed them, even going on a minor witch hunt. But ultimately nothing turned up, and everything went back to normal.

    Except Marina. Marina never had the chance to experience normal. Everywhere the little child went, she was either looked down at with disgust or pity, and none of the other children ever wanted to play with her. Rumors spread around the other children that she was slimy, and going to drown them all. Of course it was all just childhood nonsense, and none of the adults took it seriously, but it had a huge negative effect on her.

    Ever since she could remember, witches and magic in general was evil and to be detested with intense hate. Her parents only enforced the fact, blaming the fact that their child was a monster because of a witch, and even calling her a monster to her face quite a few times. They were absolutely horrible parents, often treating their neighbors children better than their own.

    It was around the time that she turned 12 when she decided to devote her entire life to killing witches, and rogue criminal mages. Motives mixed between personal revenge and a deep desire to never see anyone else suffer like she had. Unfortunately for her, the only person in town that knew how to kill magic users, was magic users themselves.

    After a while she found a rather old lady named Sage who lived in town who called herself a shaman (which was drastically different than a witch in Marina's eyes, even though the difference was basically none). After a few months of constant pestering from Marina, she agreed to teach her the secrets of magic, so that she could fight it with ease.

    Her parents meanwhile had pretty much stopped even caring about her. She was forced to live in the basement of the house, which was only accessible from the outside. It was like she wasn't even a part of the family. Her life was solely devoted to her training, which luckily the shaman even fed her after her training, otherwise she would had to sneak it out from under her parents noses. Because she wasn't even allowed in the house anymore, as she "had her own place to live."

    The very moment she was old enough to get a place of her own, her parents had another baby. This one was entirely normal, and they adored and spoiled the little thing. At this point, she practically shunned her family entirely, her hatred for magic only growing by the second.

    However, it took years before Sage was able to finally knock it into Marina's head that not all magic itself was evil, just the misuse of it. It was a power to be handled with great care and responsibility, and even informed her that she would probably be a great mage herself if she wanted to. Marina has still never learned a spell up to this point, and vowed to always do her best to use magical items instead of using the magic spells herself. It was much clearer for her conscious in her strange sense of right and wrong.

    A few years had passed since her training with Sage had ended, and Marina was already a fully fledged warrior at this point. Already taken down a few rogue warlocks by herself, she was ready to take on the world. Taking the title of Witch Hunter for herself, she started wandering Hyrule as mercenary for hire. She only hoped that somewhere out there she can forge something good from the mistake that her parents thought she was.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
  2. Blonde Panther

    Blonde Panther Not always sweet and delicate vet

    Looks good! Interesting to see a character with the Curse of Gills and I like how it's actually had a profound effect on her life. Accepted!
  3. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

    Plus 1 Courage for promotion to Veteran, which brings her PWC to 5/2/2.