Luneth's Creative Corner of the Creative Corner

Discussion in 'Creative Works' started by Luneth, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    Hey guys! So on the side of RPing I make art and I compose music, mainly for a game I'm working on. I'd figure I'd kick this off with a recent composition, yet to be mixed or mastered, and I'd really love to get you guys' opinions on it.

    The links is here!

    Edit 2: Changed the link again. 3rd version!

    Please, tell me what you think!

    For this one, I used EastWest Quantum-Leap Symphonic Orchestra for Cello, Violin, and Harp, KORG Wavestation for the Organ and pad and Korg M1 samples for the piano.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  2. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Whoa! That's so cool! I agree with Cat about trying a little flute; a tiny bit of cello might not hurt either, as a sort of counter-melody underneath the harp and violin, just to add a little more depth to the piece. It's so cool!

    What do you use to record/digitally compose your music?
  3. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    Edit: Changed the link to the second version, give it another listen!

    Thank you! I tried flute, but I didn't like the effect it had and it didn't fit the character. Instead I used a really soft high piano, and it sounds really good. I may switch it out with a quiet organ later, it fits the character better.
    There's actually already a cello in there! It's hard to hear because I had to play softly, otherwise it overpowered the harp and violin. It'll get boosted in mixing.

    For a keyboard I use a Korg Microkey-37, it's a cheaper, portable, high quality keyboard that comes with velocity and basic necessities at the sacrifice of a wide range of keys. I record everything by playing it in FL Studio (I hate that program but it's the most user friendly I've found and know how to use) and dumping the score log to the MIDI interface. As far as plugins for the instruments, for my orchestral equipment (strings, winds, brass, percussion) I use EastWest Quantum-Leap, it's just hard to beat as far as quality goes. For everything else I either use M1 by Korg, which is a big FX/Synth/Instruments plugin, Wavestation, which is a more synthbased wave generator, or a few other Synths not important.
  4. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    Whoa! The second version feels somehow stronger, and more tranquil. I love it!

    Thank you for the list of programs! I've wanted to record my own music for a long time but Audacity just doesn't cut it for composition. I'll have to give those a try!
  5. Luneth

    Luneth Cesare The Somnambulist new

    You're very welcome! If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.
    Update: I switched out the versions for the third version. It's probably the best. All the other versions are on soundcloud if you want to give them a listen!
  6. Electronic Ink

    Electronic Ink local zora vet

    This third one is beautiful. It's perfectly balanced, and I can really hear all the instruments (even the cello) working to make perfection. It's so beautifully tranquil!
    Luneth likes this.
  7. Sinistrari

    Sinistrari Devious Grins & Hunter of Synonyms reg

    Oooooh, this is nice! I know next to nothing about music so I can't really offer any constructive criticism but it's a very dreamy, romantic piece - almost bittersweet? Reminiscent, perhaps?

    Regardless I'd like to meet the character the theme is for! Very JRPG.
    Luneth likes this.