Lorita Campo

Discussion in 'Profiles' started by Psiwri, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. Psiwri

    Psiwri New Member new

    Name: Lorita Campo
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Feroxian
    Allegiance: Home

    Class: Nomad
    Level: 10
    Weapon Levels: Bow C 1/5
    Shortbow: Broadhead/Iron/Silencing - Designed for close range hit and run tactics to pick off lesser armored foes and shutting down those that use magic in particular.

    Leathers and fur adorn her, green tunic and pants underneath, with a belt both on waist and down back to hold things in place. Her hair is black and tied behind her in a short braid that reaches the middle of her back. Eyes are green, slanted down somewhat from outside to inside, and are more wide and narrow than round. She is of average height for a woman and compact in build.

    Fiery yet pragmatic, she possess a ferocity that is backed up with a get-results attitude. Wont to learn about those she works with, will engage in discussion readily if it is relevant to the task. Has poor tolerance of those who make light of serious situations, though not against some light-hearted fun otherwise. Views the use of magic as something akin to a crutch or weakness, but respects the raw power it possesses.

    Grew up in the far north east reaches of Ferox in a small tribe of roaming hunters; learning herself the way of the bow and horse. That simple life wasn't enough, though. There were so many more things further south, where all the many peoples were, beyond the small closed-off world she'd been born to. It was not long in her forming years towards adulthood that she found herself with aspirations of becoming a representative champion for the East Khan someday, and she began to train beyond simple hunting skills. This continued for years all the while staying with her tribe and doing her part in the hunts.

    Then the Risen showed up. Inhuman abominations that seemingly came from nowhere, haunting and hunting the hunters themselves. Her tribe, so remote from the more populous southlands of Ferox, was not spared any outside aid, and her aspirations of being a champion were immediately dashed in the face of necessity. Now she was one of a few from the tribe that took a new role of guardians from these undead. In time, their presence as a threat slowly diminished and soon the need for so many of her role diminished with it. However, this wasn't something to simply let by now, and Lorita chose that opportunity to leave the tribe, travel south, and seek both aid for her home and to find a means to put a permanent end to the Risen threat.

    Notes: Not a fan of profiles, so sorry for the really dry and to-the-point writing in here.
    Approved by Blonde Panther
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013