Jacob/Bea [C-Rank]

Discussion in 'Supports' started by UnnamedDude, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. UnnamedDude

    UnnamedDude Lighting up the Fire in the Night vet

    Beatrix Karina frowned as she sealed the letter. She could only picture the ensuing bedlam at home. The old men there were already suspicious of her; learning that she was to work with the infamously militant House Temple was a surefire way to send them into a frenzy. She pitied her poor mother; if it were her, Beatrix would never be able to tolerate their endless squabbling.

    The lady opened the door and summoned a messenger to ferry her missive back to Karina. Whoever it was would not in a pleasant situation at all, and she made a mental note to secure some sort of reward for the youth who approached her to take her letter. His instructions gained, the gallant rode off... to what would inevitably be a terrible outbreak of arguments.

    Jacob shifts the remains of his armor. 'This ain't easy fer 'er. She don't trust me at all, but I gotta get Alexandra an' make sure she's safe.' Jacob thinks as he walks. "Damn old age's gettin' ta me. Where tha hell's Lady Karina? Ain't no good an' ain't got time...'EY! Lady Karina!" The old lord waves his fellow noble down.

    Beatrix turned. "Yes, Lord Temple?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you quite all right? You look a tad out of sorts." This was a bit of an understatement; her fellow lord positively radiated impatience.

    "Aye...well not really." Jacob sighs rubbing his eyes. "It's ma sister, but I didn't come 'ere ta preach 'bout that. Where ya gonna be sendin' yer troops in tha Halidom?" As he speaks the lord plays impatiently with his beard.

    Beatrix shook her head. "Well, that assumes that my advisers don't cry out for my head... but anyway. If they do, I'm going to handle the areas in the north, prioritizing those that Lady Robin informed us were swarmed, and those that produce goods necessary for the war effort, to the best of my abilities."

    "Alright. Guess that means tha south an' west 're under Temple protection." Jacob sighs. "I'll have Commander Lockhart take his troops ta...yeah that should work..." The Armor Lord turns his attention back to Beatrix. "Listen. I heard ya offer ta come wit me ta Bannister."

    "I did," she said without elaboration. She made little attempt to explain herself. "Why do you ask?"

    "It'll be dangerous. Bannister's tha...er was tha best prison in all o' Temple. Why on Naga's green earth'd ya offer ta come?"

    "We stand at the precipice of war, Lord Temple," she said without hesitation, "You of all people should know that there are no safe places in times such as this." She readied a horse as she spoke, and then brushed herself off. "Is that all? I still must prepare my equipment."

    "Alright. Alright. Just...watch yerself an if yer late I'm leavin' yer ass behind. Understand?" A smirk cracks across Jacob's face. "We're leavin' after I get confirmation tha Generals 're at Bannister."

    "Understood, Lord Temple," said Beatrix flatly, "I'll be ready soon enough." At any rate, this was a chance to see the famed Lord of House Temple at work...