Excited over Skyward Sword?

Discussion in 'Zelda Discussion' started by Onyx Leo, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. Onyx Leo

    Onyx Leo His smile and optimism: Gone. reg

    Okay, I'm just going to be completely straight here... Is anyone at all really excited for this game? I mean, REALLY excited? Maybe it's because TP left a bad taste in my mouth, but... I don't have even one ounce of hype over Skyward Sword. What about you guys? What are your opinions on the next step of the franchise?
  2. adad64

    adad64 Admin admin

    I don't know, the storyline looks kinda bleah, but the gameplay looks alright. Doesn't quite feel like a zelda though :/ Too close to those DS games, and I don't really like those :( 1:1 sword stuff is gonna be cool though. I'll probably buy it.
  3. Bitoko

    Bitoko The Admiral vet

    I'm actually really excited for it. Its another zelda, that is enough to get me hyped for it. I personally loved Twilight Princess and I'm excited for Skyward Sword. I don't see how anyone can base whether its good or not yet just from the little thats been released. I'm sure it will be much more zelda-ish when you get it in your hands and play it, at this point I think all the releases of video are all still showing off the sword control which is going to be sweet in my opinion.
  4. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    I'm not excited for it, I don't know much about it.

    What I know is I look forward to reading the lore the game produces after it comes out, by reading Wikis.

    I don't like and also can't afford gimmicky sword play, like I don't really want 1:1 Swordfighting unless it is vastly, VASTLY improved from Wii Sports Resort's Swordplay. I prefer a good old controller when it comes to games, and I really can't afford to buy the Wii Motion Plus attachment, when I doubt I'd have the money to buy the game as it is. If it used a Gamecube controller and played like Twilight Princess control-wise, then I'd probably buy it, dispite I never bought TP (and probably would never of played it had my friend not of bought it).

    tl:dr = I'm not excited, I may just end up reading the lore online and maybe watching a video of the new Equipment.
  5. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    I think it has the potential to one of the most enjoyable Zelda games to date, if not THE most enjoyable. It has the look and style I've always wanted Zelda games to have, it looks like there might be a good (but not text-heavy) plot and setting this time, the combat system and items look fun, etc, etc. But ironically, I'm not all that hyped for it. I was honestly more excited for Twilight Princess and Spirit Tracks, both of which disappointed me.
  6. adad64

    adad64 Admin admin

    I liked TP, it had some things that it could work on and the twilight realmwhichmightbethedark realm thing didn't really work well together plotwise (or I just never got it) But it was a great game all the same.