[EVENT] Mogma's Curiosity Shop

Discussion in 'Events' started by Curiosity Shop, Apr 9, 2016.

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  1. Curiosity Shop

    Curiosity Shop Care for a special bargain?

    Somewhere in the depths of a tavern no sane person would enter, you spy a small fuzzy man sitting on a corner. With a slight gesture, he guides you towards him, as if expecting you. As you near, you realize he is a rather chubby little Mogma sitting upon his tail--a very wobbling, visibly-drunk Mogma at that. He hops down from the stool upon which he was sitting, and pulls from his pouch several bizarre trinkets--setting them upon his former seat, alongside two of his half-finished beverages. "I got the goods..." He hiccups, "...if you got the cash, Sam. Take your pick!"

    His baubles include...
    • 68 rupees: A violet-colored gem is bobbing in a stein filed with a foul brown liquid. Engraving on the side of the glass reads, 'Split.'
    • 10 rupees: A bunch of Hyoi Pears sit in a netted bag.
    • 40 rupees: A small shotglass sits on a sopping-wet coaster, which he audibly notes, "That's a Warbling Ward."
    • 18 rupees: A pair of messily-folded bright red socks lay partially dangling off the stool.

    "In case you forgot, I will also buy... treasure." A glistening grin spreads across his furry cheeks. "For a spell... or a technique... I can lend you an Imprint Crystal, Sam."


    To purchase any of the listed items, simply make an in-character post in this thread and deduct your rupees accordingly. In your post, you are free to control the shopkeeper within reason.

    You can also sell one or more treasures to the Curiosity Shop for precisely 50% of the cost you originally paid for it. (If necessary, round up to the nearest whole rupee.) You cannot sell any treasure that is a Trait, is Major, has been Twisted, or was gained for 0 rupees.

    On May 10th, the Mogma running this little shop will sober up, realize you are not Sam, and scurry off into the night.
  2. Guy

    Guy Admin admin

    "Sienna, you really should--"

    "No. Shut the fuck up," she hissed.

    With a sigh, Guy plucked up his stein, and poured what remained of the beer down his gullet. Swiveling around in his chair, his eyes fell towards Sienna--his sister--with mild disappointment. Her powerful, still-armored arms were crossed. Even through the woman's mask, he could feel the heated anger of her glare.

    "Are you finished?" She almost snarled the words. "I can't believe I'm waiting on you."

    "Sorry, sorry... jeez. You really need to find a way to loosen up, one of these days... If nothing else kills you, stress will." With a shrug, he spun off his stool and landed with only a slight stumble.

    Sienna was in the midst of contemplating whether or not to murder this obnoxious drunkard, when suddenly, a Mogma stumbles onto the nearest stool, rambling about goods.

    "And here you though I was drunk," Guy chuckled. "We could probably clean this fool out of his wares -- look at him, Sam."

    The man expected his sister to already be on the way out, ignoring his offer for an easy theft. However, something--he wasn't sure what--had caught her attention. The pears? The socks?

    "A beverage worth drinking," she announced. A considerable amount of rupees fell from her palm, bouncing off the stool and among the other treasures. With her drink paid for, she snatched up the stein and chugged it--all of it--in a single swig.

    Guy's eyes widened. He wasn't even sure what to ask. A moment later, Sienna put a violet gem into his palm--one which contained the Split spell. It would be a while before she realized she had accidentally swallowed a second gem in the glass, bestowing herself with the spell as well.

    "Get going," Sienna hissed.

    Guy Denzrita and Sienna Denzrita are both getting Split, for 68 rupees each.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
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