Drake, Rito Swordsman

Discussion in 'Retired Characters' started by Magnere, Dec 23, 2014.

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  1. Magnere

    Magnere Momentai vet

    Name: Drake

    Race: Rito

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Place of Origin: Dragon Roost Island

    PWC: 5/1/2

    Treasures & Rupees:
    Racial Perk: Winged Flight
    Racial Perk: Shuttle Loop
    Racial Perk: Valiance

    Dark Blade
    Plummeting Blade
    Summon Ammunition
    Blink Shield Ring

    Rupees: 15

    Residence: Drake has a rather humble home at Dragon Roost Island, but he rarely ever stays in it

    Drake's armor is fairly simple. Heavily padded light armor, studded with iron bolts. The symbol of his race is embedded into the chest of his armor. Drake's leather boots match his armor, with steel buckles hold them in place. Fingerless gloves, made of thin leather adorn his hands. He wears no sheath for his sword, and seems unprepared for a trek through monster infested wilderness, which he quite often does.. The standard Rito messenger bag is strapped to his back to carry his various smaller objects.

    A twin set of throwing axes are found strapped to his hips. These axes have the Rito symbol embedded onto the blade on both sides. The handle of both axes are made from a dark colored wood, and is quite sturdy. These axes were a gift from his late father, and he cherishes them greatly. There are no major differences between the two axes, and look practically identical, yet somehow Drake can always tell them apart.

    Using his magic, he can summon many different weapons. However, there is a certain sword he summons quite often, a curved longsword. The guard of the blade is strongly stylized to resemble wings, and his race's crest embedded into the hilt on both sides. The pommel of the sword is a large circular sapphire, with what looks like talons made of metal holding the sapphire in place. The blade of the sword is made from a dark colored metal, and the grip is wrapped in black leather.

    Drake's hair is rather short, and his white hair matches the standard color for the males of his race. His ears point upwards, but are slightly more rounded than the average Rito. His beak is a subdued orange, with yellow highlights in several places. His mouth is large, and his chin is large and rather pointed. His bright red eyes have an unnerving energy to them, and sometimes frighten people.

    Taller than the average Rito, he can see over most peoples heads. Drake is skinny, like all Rito are, but the fact that puts him apart is that his shoulders are really wide, unlike the majority of his race. With large hands, and large feet, finding shoes and gloves for him is quite the challenge. He sometimes has trouble picking up delicate objects, as his fingers are not as nimble as he would like them to be. He stands out very easily in a crowd of his own race.

    Drake is usually rather laid back, only becoming serious when the need arises. However, if something is expected of him, he will get the job done. It will become his sole priority, and will stop at nothing till the job is done. He does has a habit of forgetting what he's said or promised to people though, and often has to be reminded. He is a good person at heart, but it's hard to keep his mind focused long enough to get anything super important done.

    He tends to always try to take charge of the situation, and getting angry when he can't. He believe that he makes a good leader, when in actuality, he does not. Drake always charges head first into trouble, without thinking of the consequences. However, in the rare occasion that he actually does receive the leadership role, he does try his hardest. He will try to think of the others first, and to make the right decision. However, it never lasts long, and he's charging into battle again

    Drake is a really good people person. He loves to talk to people, and always acts super friendly to everyone. One of the things that he enjoys the most is interacting with other people. Once Drake starts talking, there is almost no shutting him up. Preferring to hang out with other people, he can't stand being alone. When he is alone, he talks to himself alot, and starts to go crazy. He always feels the need to surround himself with people, even if those people don't like him.

    He feels like he always needs to be the hero, jumping into action, even if it doesn't concern him. He tries so hard to be a heroic figure, but more often than not becomes a bother. He doesn't realize that sometimes, people need to deal with their problems themselves.He will always go to great lengths to help anybody, regardless of the importance of need. Anybody with a problem can ask him to help, and he would never turn them down.

    Drake had a fairly unique childhood, with his parents being traveling merchants. They specialized in exotic wares, traveling from various islands back to the mainland. Many of these wares being mostly decorative items, but some of them being local delicacies. His parents owned a boat to transport their goods, the S.S. Tempest. Drake's father used to recount the story of how the ship earned its name all the time. It apparently outraced a hurricane on the way back to Dragon Roost Island, though the story is probably more myth than factual, as the boat had been passed down for generations.

    Growing up on the boat, Drake was always traveling, and rarely ever home. Preferring the wide open sea, with nothing for miles around. It enthralled him, knowing just how big the world truly was. His home island felt tiny compared to the world he's seen, and felt cramped stuck on Dragon Roost. Everytime they would return home, Drake was always in a rush to leave.

    He was extremely attached to his father, Dasso. They would often times play games instead of working, which has caused quite a few incidents. Every night, his father used to read to him a bedtime story about a brave warrior in green who saved the whole of hyrule. Drake was always so enraptured by the story, that he was always more awake than sleepy. He promised his father he would become an even better warrior than the hero of old! His father always laughed, and told him he could be whatever he wanted to be, but right then, he was supposed to be a sleepy little rito. This happened almost every night for several years.

    About a year before he had received his wings, he met a strange cloaked man. The man ran a strange market stall in one of the port towns they arrived in. Drake was immediately intrigued by all the cool weaponry and magic spells the man was selling. Taking an interest in the boy, he removed a small scroll case from below, and explained to him what it was. The scroll within the case held the key to a magical weapon. The weapon could be summoned anywhere, and would never let him down. Without another moment's notice, Drake immediately emptied his wallet for the spell. With a sickening smile, the cloaked man handed him the spell.

    Drake spent years studying the scroll and casting the spell, over and over. He was enthralled by the thought of the magical sword he was able to create. Not even the goron smith's could forge anything better than the sword he summoned, at least not in Drake's opinion. It fit his hand like a glove, and felt perfectly balanced in his hand.

    After he got his wings, he experimented with true swordplay. Learning how to fight with a magical weapon, rather than a mundane one. The other Rito were not entirely sure what to think of him. Everyone had always thought that he would inherit his parents trading company, but Drake never showed any interest in it. He was so obsessed with the art of battle, even his mother had given up trying to teach him about mercantilism, and started training his younger sister instead, Melliana. His father was super supportive, and even showed him a few tips and tricks, as he used to be a rather good swordsman in his younger days.

    Years later, Drake had just turned 18, and was just about to fly the coop, when his father turned deathly ill. He was stricken with a horrible lung disease, and could no longer walk and had trouble breathing. Stricken with grief, Drake stayed by his side. It wasn't a week later before he passed. Drake had immense troubles handing his passing, but his mother helped ease his stresses.

    She presented him with a twin set of throwing axes that belonged to his dad. She said that he wanted to give them to him when the time was right, but he never got a chance to. She said that he was proud of who had become, and that she secretly encouraged his warrior like lifestyle, even if it meant he would be leaving home.

    Grateful for the axes, he set out for the mainland. He would prove his father proud, even in death. He would rise to great heights, and become the greatest hero the world has ever known. Nothing can stop him from his destiny.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  2. WillowtheWhisp

    WillowtheWhisp Admin admin

    Seems fine. Approved.
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