Catherine Levitt (Unnamed Dude)

Discussion in 'Pokemon RP: Tales from the Belvair Region' started by Chaos James, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Name: Catherine Levitt
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Hometown: Garven City
    Occupation: Trainer/ Coordinator
    Height: 5'1''
    Weight: 108 lbs
    Catherine, being somewhat short and having not yet hit her growth spurt, is thin and not at all an imposing figure. Her golden hair usually comes down in two ponytails, but occasionally she lets it flow freely. Her eyes are green and bright. She is cute, but has not yet begun the transformation to "attractive" or even "pretty" yet. She does not like being reminded of this, and always subconsciously stands with prim and proper posture.

    Most often her clothing consists of a loose white dress or other light clothing, such as a light blue shirt and green skirt. It's made of fleece, and if her hair is down, she wears a green hair band. Her footwear consists of expensive white high-heels. She does also have some more boyish attire for going unnoticed, including a ball cap without a logo and a somewhat baggy black shirt, paired with plain blue jeans and sneakers. These she obtained from the guards who helped her escape her old life.

    For winter outings, she also has a red scarf and dark green coat, as well as big black boots.

    Catherine wants to be the best. At anything. At everything. She has the haughty, devil-may-care attitude to back it up, and the drive and talent to do so. However, this drive is almost obsessive, and sometimes gets in the way of her rational thinking. It is powered mainly by an overwhelming desire to be accepted and loved, and also an attempt to escape or even to lash out at her parents. While she can be serious and intelligent, too often she is blinded by this desire for attention and will eschew more sensible courses of action if she thinks she can do something noteworthy. In addition, Catherine has a fundamental lack of experience, insofar as it seems like she has no common sense, as a trade-off for her sheltered life.

    Regardless of these shortcomings, though, those that get on her good side will find her a caring, if gullible, girl who likes adventure and a challenge.

    Walter and Jane Levitt, rich prince and princess of powerful businesses, made sure to give little Catherine the most perfect childhood possible. She would have private tutors at advanced levels, practice training daily with a wide, wide selection of pokemon, ride some of them, and gardening was no stranger to her. Her meals and routines were carefully planned out to give them a perfect little girl.

    And she hated every minute of it.

    Catherine's parents had not married for love, they had married for money and power. Similarly, they were raising her to be their bargaining chip, their doll for them. They were not raising her flawlessly for her own good, but for theirs.

    The only good part of her day was training practice, and she never had the time to bond with any of her pokemon. They were always switched out like some sort of terrible roulette each time. Her days were full of ennui and apprehension.

    For as her parents held little love for each other, they also held very little love for the symbol of union. She was frequently shouted at, was allowed no friends, and punished arbitrarily. Thankfully she was not beaten often, but the times she was were frightening beyond belief for her.

    Eventually it became too much; after another day of silently enduring shouting spells, she decided to just run. She didn't know where; it didn't matter. Anywhere was better than here.

    She stole out in the middle of the night, having obtained the aid of some of the more sympathetic guards, and took with her a bag, clothes, her allowance, and two new eggs that had been shipped in earlier. She didn't have any clue what was in them, but she figured she'd take better care of them than this place.

    With that, she set out...

    Wishlist: (In no particular order)
    []Pikachu (I sense I am going to get hate for it )
    []Shiny Farfetch'd to teach it Smokescreen

    Subject to update, also I am not expecting ALL of these.
  2. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Pokemon in Party:
    [​IMG] - Egg - ??? - ? - ??? - Lv. ?- N/A
    ??? & ???

    [​IMG] - Egg - ??? - ? - ??? - Lv. ?- N/A
    ??? & ???

    [​IMG] - Cory - Corsola - Female - Careful - Lv. 5- 100%
    Hustle & Natural Cure
    Holding Hard Stone
  3. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Pokemon in PC:

    None at the moment.
  4. Chaos James

    Chaos James Bastion of Debauchery vet

    Trainer License
    Pokeballs x4