Best Console Zelda Game of all Time?

Discussion in 'Zelda Discussion' started by darklink28, Aug 31, 2013.


What is the best Zelda Console Game of all Time?

  1. Legend of Zelda

    0 vote(s)
  2. Adventure of Link

    0 vote(s)
  3. A Link to the Past

    0 vote(s)
  4. Ocarina of Time

  5. The Wind Waker

  6. Twilight Princess

  7. Skyward Sword

    0 vote(s)
  8. Majora's Mask

  9. Four Sword Adventures

    0 vote(s)
  1. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    What is the best console Zelda game, in your opinion, of all time?
  2. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    There's no Majora's Mask or Four Swords Adventures. :omg:
  3. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

    I was about to say... Majoras Mask was one of the ones that I enjoyed the most out of the bunch of them :P
  4. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    *sprinkles moderator magic on the thread*
  5. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    I swore I put in MM. I usually don't put in FSA from this kind of poll since I don't consider it a "true" console Zelda, but, if people want it..
  6. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

    You could've put the poll choices in order, darling :P
  7. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    Now that that's taken care of, my favorite game was Twilight Princess, mainly because of one reason. It's one thing to see Link do good things for people, like using the Bomber Notebook in MM or something like that. But to me, I did those because I thought "I'm gonna get something from them. I don't know what it is, but I want it." But when I played Twilight Princess, I was really connected to Link as a person. I had such mixed feelings when Ilia took Epona from me at the beginning. I got scared and worried when the kids were taken. I felt like I was Link playing this game. If I were given the option to either save/leave Collin, I would've saved him and killed Lord Bublin for being so mean. And I was really happy and relieved when Collin said that he sacrificed himself to save other people because of me. And I even did side quests just because I felt good doing them.
  8. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    That would've messed up everything. Just roll with it. :happy:
  9. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

    Regardless thanks for fixing polls :P

    Well, like I said, I liked Majoras Mask better vs the other console games we have out there. I liked it better because even in a good game, it can't always be good or bad, I enjoyed the dark theme that the game produced. It was something interesting and more serious dealing with some /possible/ real life tragic events that could happen. (not much of Skull Kid cursing everyone, but somewhat understand what I mean). I enjoyed the few side quests that it had, including that bombers notebook. I think that was the most fun for me.

    My deal with LoZ is that it is one of the first Zelda games to ever come out, and compared to this generation of games, it has quite a few flaws but it has improved the game series. Adventure of Link was just too weird and difficult for me. Four Swords adventure I haven't played. Ocarina of Time I have played countless of times and I guess I got tired of the whole theme, traveling back and forth in time saving Hyrule and then me coming to an idea of "wow, this game just irritates me, Zelda is such a little nagging bitch and just allows herself to be captures like this. Link there are plenty of other fish in the sea, look for someone else".
    I'm not a fan of Twilight Princess in General, because I thought it was boring. After playing halfway through, I went through my gamer modes of having to finish a game and never play it again. Along with Skyward Sword, (but a little more slower vs TP).

    I guess everyone has their own game they like ^____^;
  10. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Wouldn't aLttP be a handheld, not a console?

    The Zelda games are like the Doctors in DW; asking me to choose between them is like asking me to choose between my babiez. :P
  11. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    I do believe that aLttP was originally for the SNES.
  12. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    Oh, okay. I just remember playing it on the GBA, that's all XD
  13. Fcgfyv

    Fcgfyv Knight of Mind reg

    Everyone remembers playing it on the GBA (including me). :yomp:
  14. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    OoT for me. It's timeless. Amazing story, epic dungeons, epic boss battles, I don't know how you get much better than that.
  15. Aurelia

    Aurelia unreliable and clumsy new

    I thought for a moment thinking "but I played it on my laptop, is there such thing for it being on the GBA??" And then remembered it was a GBA emulator x3
  16. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    It's funny because I have my original ALttP game cartridge from when it came out in '92. I guess I'm old. :P
  17. Quill

    Quill Leaf on the Wind reg

    hehe. Grandpa DL XD
  18. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    Don't we have a thread like this already? Made by me?

    Oh well, what the heck. This one's already gotten off the ground, may as well take my pick. TWW is easily my favorite Zelda game. Wind Waker was just so incredible in every way.

    Also, I never played ALttP on the Gameboy. I actually didn't play Zelda until early on in the Wii's life time. I feel left out now.
  19. darklink28

    darklink28 Somewhere in Hyrule reg

    Funny I still have my snes with ALttP. :p
  20. Double_r111

    Double_r111 Espeon reg

    I've been playing through on the Wii Virtual Console myself.