A twist of fate

Discussion in 'The Twister's Domain' started by Devil-Steel, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. Devil-Steel

    Devil-Steel Your friendly neighborhood devil reg

    Alia was out walking through the Castle Town marketplace. Wondering what she could buy that would help out not only herself, but her party. It was then she had a thought. If only she could obtain something similar to Samanosuke's special eye. He said he was 'gifted' the eye from a being known as The Twister. Offer some rupees and one of your treasures or techniques to earn something special and unique in return.

    It was then that Alia's eyes came to rest on an oak desk with a carnival wheel sitting on top of it. She didn't remember that desk being there a moment ago though. It was like it had appeared out of thin air. It was then that The Twisers words would spring into her mind and Alia knew what she had to do if she wanted something unique like her party leader. The spear user would reach into her pouch and pull out seven gems, and drop them onto the table. "I offer you the knowledge of my Urbosa's Fury technique as well." While it was a powerful technique she couldn't use if effectively as her party mates were always in harms way. So she offered up the powerful technique to this mysterious being in hopes of gaining something that would be more useful to the party. Something she could use more easily to help her protect those she cared about.

    (Alia offers up 5 of her own rupees, and 2 of Jareds for this twist.)
  2. The Twister

    The Twister The faceless face grows a grin most mischievous.

    The faceless face looked back, seeing a face behind a face. The mask was somewhat interesting, a green and fresh face hoping for something. Hoping a little too much. Looking back away from the face, Alia found herself on a much, much bigger wheel in the sky. The wedges were all around her now.

    "Well then, in you go." came a distorted voice from nearby.

    A hole in the center of the massive wheel revealed a cannon's opening. Sized perfectly for an adult Hylian. A sudden and violent feeling of the kick of a boot raced pain up Alia's back. She found herself tumbling into the cannon's opening. The green suited little figure nonchalantly struck a match and tossed the flaming shape into the hole. Reaching behind his back, he materialized and placed a hat on his head. The ephemeral and unseeable face grew a grin that day.

    "You offer someone else's rupees? To me? Though they're certainly not yours to give, I certainly can take them." his voice rang, becoming venom as he said the last few words.

    The cannon raised slowly, and Alia would suddenly find that her heart was pounding almost out of her own chest. It was known that this figure could master any illusion. But Alia found herself in what felt like a whole new world. The sparks shot down the wick on the cannon, disappearing into its barrel. The colored wedges started to spin and spin. Smoke erupted from the flying island in a flash of light and a wide ring. Alia was now high in the sky, looking down in panic and fear at the deluge of spinning colours. She rapidly fell to the floating body. With sudden pain in her stomach, she tumbled in the deadly speed and descent immutable from her situation.

    Then, with a crack, she landed on a huge green wedge. Below her were a pile of cards, mysteriously breaking her fall somehow. It still hurt, a pain reverberating through her nervous system. Reminding herself it was some illusion, the pain was shockingly quick to fade. She had made the Twister angry it was clear, and with that came an unceremonious and not-so-whimsical punishment. As her head came back to its senses, the torso of the boy towered over her.

    "You landed on. . . but such a mundane result. I could set the die in motion again, but no. Some of these rupees are not your own." the voice vibrated like a crawling can of worms in the back of her head.

    She found that her Urbosa's Fury may be able to push her with a small gust of wind, perhaps ten or so feet forward. At least, she felt she thought that as she read from a small card that appeared in her hands. Of course, the rupees are mine now. The card grumpily read at the very bottom. Before she could possibly react to what had just happened, Alia looked away from the card. She was in the exact place she had started, no possible hint of a boy or a desk having been there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2024